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People's opinions differ as to whether or every student who enroll universities is able to choose any academic development or not. While there exist a number of arguments that scholars at educational institutions should obligatorily study subjects that are believed to be advantageous in the future, I personally think that students should be given a chance to apply any subject that they are interested in.

  There are various reason why people argue that undergraduates should only learn subjects offered by their executive board. In the developed world with advance in technology, those affairs such as informatics and science are tremendously appreciated. The accomplishments in those fields are considered state-of-the-art. Therefore, there is evidence to support the idea that several related university directions have pragmatic advantages. There are various cutting-edge items designed by university students who research the programs about science and technology. Automatic pilot cars is a good case in point. As a matter of fact, alumni may effortlessly approach more job opportunities and extremely high salary offers for their work. Because of that fact, they are able to elaborate their luminous lives in the near future.

  In spite of those arguments, I support the view that undergraduates should freely choose their educational subjects. This will inspire them to study firmly by virtue of their passions in subject matters. The freedom in choosing despondent courses also can help students decide which ones are compatible with their economic conditions. Additionally, variety of courses can create diverse development in the country for the future.

  All things considered, I once reaffirm that only by giving permission to academy students to choose to study whatever they like can bring lucrative advantages in favor of socio-economic development in countries.
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