Hello everyone. I'm now really sad and I'll tell you about that. Please read my story, help me to correct it and tell me what you think in your opinion.
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Hi everyone,this is the worst story in the whole my studying way.

When I took part in KET exam in my English school- VATC, I was very hard-working to achieve something for my mother to be proud of. Guess what, my effort helps my dream come true. It's actually like a beautiful dream. On the day when I got my results, I was very proud of myself and I scored 150/150. I'm the one with the highest score. I've never thought like that before. Then by the way, my teacher also gave me a paper. First, I didn't care much about them. Then, when I got home, I told my mother about my scored and my younger sister who was very curious so she picked that paper up and read aloud. I always thought what she'd read was only a joke but when I checked again. It was my turn to be surprised. The paper said that there was a meeting between Vietnam and Laos, Cambodia. The children who want to attend it must have enough certificates like Uncle Ho's good child or a good score in studying in the schoolyear 2015-2016. Luckily, I had them all. My mother was very happy and she phone my English school immediately. The first time, they agreed with my mother to help me go to that meeting. But then, after some minutes, they phoned again and they said that the students who attend this meeting must live in the city, not in any districts. My mother said that we were all living in the city. The school teacher was very happy and then she phoned the City Leader. I quickly prayed god. Then a call was sent to my mother. They said that the city leader needed the students who not only live in the city but also study in the school in the city. At that time, I was very hopeless because I studied in MDC school, a famous school but it was located in Hoa Thanh District. Then my English School had tried a lot to help me but the City leader said that they would think again the following day. I was not happy much but I always prayed for god at that time. The next morning, I waited for that call and guess what, the City leader said that they had chosen enough students. I was sad and I cried a lot. The City Leader just chose their relatives' children even though those children didn't have enough the things which were requested to have. I cried loudly.

    Finally, I thought that if One day, My studying way is successful, I'll not do anything like that. I won't accept anyone who were...........like that including all my children. I promise. The life now is so bad. I must stand with a strength myself in the bad society.

14 points

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Mới góp ý lần đầu có gì sai thông cảm:

Bạn có vẽ mắc kha khá lỗi về dùng thì và kết nối chưa tốt :)

When I took part in KET exam in my English school- VATC, I was very hard-working to achieve something for my mother to be proud of. Guess what, my effort helps my dream come true. It's actually like a beautiful dream. On the day when I got my results, I was very proud of myself and I scored 150/150. I'm the one with the highest score. I've never thought like that before. Then by the way, my teacher also gave me a paper. First, I didn't care much about them. Then, when I got home, I told my mother about my scored and my younger sister who was very curious so she picked that paper up and read aloud. I always thought what she'd read was only a joke but when I checked again. It was my turn to be surprised. The paper said that there was a meeting between Vietnam and Laos, Cambodia. The children who want to attend it must have enough certificates like Uncle Ho's good child or a good score in studying in the schoolyear 2015-2016. Luckily, I had them all. My mother was very happy and she phone my English school immediately. The first time, they agreed with my mother to help me go to that meeting. But then, after some minutes, they phoned again and they said that the students who attend this meeting must live in the city, not in any districts. My mother said that we were all living in the city. The school teacher was very happy and then she phoned the City Leader. I quickly prayed god. Then a call was sent to my mother. They said that the city leader needed the students who not only live in the city but also study in the school in the city. At that time, I was very hopeless because I studied in MDC school, a famous school but it was located in Hoa Thanh District. Then my English School had tried a lot to help me but the City leader said that they would think again the following day. I was not happy much but I always prayed for god at that time. The next morning, I waited for that call and guess what, the City leader said that they had chosen enough students. I was sad and I cried a lot. The City Leader just chose their relatives' children even though those children didn't have enough the things which were requested to have. I cried loudly.

    Finally, I thought that if One day, My studying way is successful, I'll not do anything like that. I won't accept anyone who were...........like that including all my children. I promise. The life now is so bad. I must stand with a strength myself in the bad society.

14 points

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Thank you very mục. Mình sẽ cố gắng hơn
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Hi everyone,this is the worst story in the whole my studying way.

When I took part in KET exam in my English school- VATC, I was very hard-working to achieve something for my mother to be proud of. Guess what, my effort helps my dream come true. It's actually like a beautiful dream. On the day when I got my results, I was very proud of myself and I scored 150/150. I'm the one with the highest score. I've never thought like that before. Then by the way, my teacher also gave me a paper. First, I didn't care much about them. Then, when I got home, I told my mother about scored anmy d my younger sister who was very curious so she picked that paper up and read aloud. I always thought what she'd read was only a joke but when I checked again. It was my turn to be surprised. The paper said that there was a meeting between Vietnam and Laos, Cambodia. The children who want to attend it must have enough certificates like Uncle Ho's good child or a good score in studying in the schoolyear 2015-2016. Luckily, I had them all. My mother was very happy and she phone my English school immediately. The first time, they agreed with my mother to help me go to that meeting. But then, after some minutes, they phoned again and they said that the students who attend this meeting must live in the city, not in any districts. My mother said that we were all living in the city. The school teacher was very happy and then she phoned the City Leader. I quickly prayed god. Then a call was sent to my mother. They said that the city leader needed the students who not only live in the city but also study in the school in the city. At that time, I was very hopeless because I studied in MDC school, a famous school but it was located in Hoa Thanh District. Then my English School had tried a lot to help me but the City leader said that they would think again the following day. I was not happy much but I always prayed for god at that time. The next morning, I waited for that call and guess what, the City leader said that they had chosen enough students. I was sad and I cried a lot. The City Leader just chose their relatives' children even though those children didn't have enough the things which were requested to have. I cried loudly.

    Finally, I thought that if One day, My studying way is successful, I'll not do anything like that. I won't accept anyone who were...........like that including all my children. I promise. The life now is so bad. I must stand with a strength myself in the bad society.



7 points

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