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In the hectic world today, consumers care more about the quality of food and the way how to produce it, and it looks as if people also have the contrast between organic and conventional farming. First and foremost, organic agriculture is a production method which reduces the harmful influences to environment and provides clean agricultural products. By using no chemical and preference to natural measures to prevent pests, this cultivation method contributed to decrease the polution; and consumers also can be used cleanner and healthier food. On the other hand, conventional farming usually uses fertilizers to increase crop yields and pesticides to protect crops. In normal agriculture, famers seem to focus on protecting harvest from pests to have a high yield, so they usually use chemical insecticides and manure to have faster result. Secondly, from the environmental friendly method of organic farming, it partly helps farmers have the healthy working condition. Because of applying biological fertilizers and pesticides, it is less harmful for farmers. In contrast, farmers work in a condition that they usually have to contact with chemicals, it completely causes side-effect to farmers. Moreover, one of the most important things is that organic agriculture has higher price than normal one, as organic farming requires the typical and special techniques, while conventional farming just needs the simple and traditional cultivation methods. In conclusion, the distintion between organic and conventional agriculture really creates the difference in the products of each method.

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