Bài IELTS Task 1 tối 22/1 - Cần Thơ - Describe table 11111
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The table provides percentages of students join in four secondary schools types ( specialist school, grammar school, voluntary-controlled school and community schools)over a 9 years period, starting from 2000.
 Overall, the proportions of students attending community schools increased in during the time surveyed, whereas the other schools declined trend. Remarkably, community schools had the highest pupils rates of all other schools surveyed.

Pupils' percentages took part in Grammar and Voluntary schools dropped nearly a half between 2000 and 2009, it from 24 percent went down at 12%. Similarly, pupils proportions of voluntary school fell from 52%  to 20% while specialist schools which pupils proportions insignificantly decreased, only lost 2% during 9 years.

In contrast, community schools had pupils rates rose approximately five times, from 12% in 2000 to 58% after 9 years. Noticeably, in 2009, pupils rates of community schools account for the highest rates conpare with the other schools. Specifically, it grew about five times compare with specialist and gammar schools, and nearly three times with voluntary- controlled
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