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Psychologists have known for many years that color can affect how people feel. For this reason, attention should be given to color schemes when decorating places such as offices and hospitals.

How true is this statement? How far does color influence people’s health and capacity for work?



It is no doubt true that color has a considerable impact on human behaviors. While I approve that choosing an appropriate color palette in interior decorations has been the main focus of attention among building designers, I also think that too much emphasis on color schemes in working places or healthcare institutions is misplaced.

There are several reasons why people approve the psychology of color in office and healthcare design. The first motivation is that the use of color in the office environment improves the moods of both staff members and customers. It is because a positive mood results in higher productivity and additional revenue. Another cause is that color improves emotions, for example, blue has tremendous power to manage stress. London authorities repainted Blackfriars Bridge with it in order to reduce the number of those jumping from it to commit suicide. Last but not least, researchers believe that color lowers heart rates and reduces anxiety in healthcare environments.

In spite of the above arguments, I support the view that people have many preoccupations that reduce the influences of color. Firstly, what play a vital role in success of leading companies in the recent times such as Apple and Google are equipment and technologies, not color. Therefore, many employees are likely to concentrate on their tasks and pay little attention to their workplace’s color schemes. Secondly, it is true that patients sometimes are unaware of colorful designs of the hospital or the condition of the facilities. Instead, they are often worried about causes of their health problems and the quality of care that they are provided.

In conclusion, it seems to me that color does more than just helps create a pleasant work environment. However, there are other considerations which are of greater importance than simply using color combinations in public areas.


458 points

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1 Answer

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Phần mở bài: While I approve accept that (hoặc nếu dùng approve thì approve of something, ví dụ như approve of the view/fact that"

Phần thân bài, mình nghĩ luận điểm đầu tiên và luận điểm thứ hai có phần bị trùng lặp, nên gộp lại làm một và biến luận điểm thứ hai thành ví dụ cho luận điểm thứ nhất sẽ ổn hơn.

45 points


Mình ko đồng ý cách gộp của bạn vì 2 vấn đề đấy khác nhau. Mình tham khảo trong một bài về decoration. Gộp vào lại thành dở đấy vì viết 1 luận điểm phức tạp là điều ko nên.
approve thì có approve of something hoặc approve something. Chỗ này chắc nên thay hẳn bằng từ khác. Cảm ơn bạn vì góp ý.
approve of sth với approve sth nghĩa nó hơi khác nhau 1 chút, nên bản thân mình nghĩ nếu trường hợp vẫn muốn giữ lại từ approve thì thêm giới từ of vào thì sẽ hợp với văn cảnh (mặc dù dùng approve cả 2 cái trên ở đây không hợp lý lắm)

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