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Dear Anna,

 Having a job interview can be a very stressful experience. Some people tend to be nervous before the interview and this affects their performance. You asked me in your letter what to eat before going to a job interview. For now, I will give you some advice.

The night before the interview, it always makes sense to eat the food which contains a plenty of omega-3 fatty acids.  Because it makes you smater and enhance your reflex with questions. You had better eat more brocolli, eggs, peans, meat,... since they supply vitamin B with a view to avoiding nevous, insomnia,.. to have the best energy. In addition, you should not eat a great deal of carbonhydrate, cafffeine, allergic food,… in order to preventing feeling sleepy and not concentrated.

In the morning of the interview, it is good to bring a bottle of water. If you feel a little nervous or your heart starts beating faster, drink the bottle to ease the fear. Specially, you should not eat smelly foods like garlic, “mam tom”,.. in your breakfast. They are believed to give you bad breath.

The first sight is so cardinal and a person's energy also makes an special impress in the interview. Therefore, greeting your interviewer by a bright smile or a simply friendly handshake is a wise way, which creat a cozy astmosphere. Therefore,  chemical food or chocolate is not a wise choice because your teeth and tongue are coloured.

I hope these advices will helpful to you.

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Dear Anna,

 Having a job interview can be a very stressful experience. Some people tend to be nervous before the interview and this affects their performance. You asked me in your letter what to eat before going to a job interview. For now, I will give you some advice.

The night before the interview, it always makes sense to eat makes sense eat the food which contains a plenty of omega-3 fatty acids.  Because it makes you smater smarter? and enhance your reflex with questions. You had better eat more brocolli,broccoli eggs, peans, meat,... since they supply supplied vitamin B with a view to avoiding nevous,nervous? insomnia,.. to have the best energy. In addition, you should not eat a great deal of carbonhydratecarbohydrate/ carbon hydrate cafffeine caffeine, allergic food,… in order to preventing in order to prevent feeling sleepy and not concentrated.

In On the morning of the interview, it is good to bring a bottle of water. If you feel a little nervous or your heart starts beating faster, drink the bottle to ease the fear. Specially, you should not eat smelly foods like garlic, “mam tom”,.. in your breakfast. They are believed to give you bad breath.

The first sight is so cardinal and a person's energy also makes an a special impress in the interview. Therefore, greeting your interviewer by a bright smile or a simply friendly handshake is a wise way, which creat create a cozy astmosphere atmosphere. Therefore,  chemical food or chocolate is not a wise choice because your teeth and tongue are coloured. colored

I hope these advices advice will helpful to you.


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