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Topic : Some people believe that instead of preventing climate change, we need to find a way to live with it.
To what extent do you agree or disagree ?
Hôm bữa mình viết bài này rồi, cũng đăng lên trang này rồi , mà bữa viết dở quá, được mấy bạn nhận xét quá chừng luôn
Hôm nay viết lại, hông biết ra sao rồi.
Mấy bạn nhận xét giúp mình nha
Mình cảm ơn nhiều nhiều lắm
Climate change constitutes a threat to the Earth as well as our existence, however, it is believed that we should learn to be familiar with this natural phenomenon, rather than address it. I completely disagree with this opinion.
In my view, human beings have to take responsibilities to tackle this issue, rather than accept it. In other words, human’s activities are the primary factors leading to the climate change. A great deal of companies and manufactories constantly release trash and chemicals into rivers, carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere, which is known to cause glasshouse effect. Some governments in developing countries, such as China, just pay attention to promote the economy and ignore detrimental effect on the environment. As individuals, people contribute to climate change by simple habits, such as leaving rooms without tuning lights off or using motorbikes and cars, rather than public vehicles.
In addition, there are various measures to address climate change. Businessman should apply non-polluting technologies into their manufactories so that substances and pollutants can be curbed. Governments can have green investments in renewable energies. On an individual level, by being economical with electricity and water, people can join hands to mitigate climate change. Furthermore, from a political perspective, each of citizen should vote for those who promise to tackle this head-aching problem, rather than just focus on developing their country.
In conclusion, it is clear to me that we should address this problem of climate change, because we are accountable to it and there are a number of ways to solve it.
Cảm ơn các bạn nha


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Bạn nên sửa lại một lần nữa. Mình nghĩ ở đây bạn đang lạc đề.

Some people believe that instead of preventing climate change, we need to find a way to live with it.

Bên dưới cần triển khai 2 ý:

  • solutions to prevent X
  • problems of living with X

Body 2 có vẻ ổn rồi vì nếu có cách để xử lý climate change thì nên chọn 1. 

Body 1 thì ko liên quan (theo cá nhân mình) vì chúng ta ko care về trách nhiệm theo kiểu ai gây ra, tại sao, và xử lý trách nhiệm giống mấy ông quan chức. Ở đây chúng ta quan tâm xem nếu live with X thì sẽ như thế nào? Ví dụ Sài Gòn sẽ dính vấn đề nước biển dâng vậy giờ chấp nhận sống chung với triều cường gây ngập thường xuyên hay tìm cách ngăn chặn, tìm giải pháp xử lý. Ví dụ cho việc sống chung với lũ ở Biển Hồ họ làm nhà nổi. Còn để chống nó thì như Hà Lan họ làm đê bao. Bạn nên viết lại Body 1 rồi mình nhận xét tiếp.

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