In order to solve traffic problems, governments should tax private car owners heavily and use the money to improve public transportation.
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In order to solve traffic problems, governments should tax private car owners heavily and use the money to improve public transportation.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a solution?

 Upgrading transport infrastructure by allocating money from Rasing tax on vehicles especially on private cars is considered to be an effective solution by the governments.This essay will examine both benefits and drawbacks of that solution.
On the one hand, the escalation of individual car tax might cause indignation and exasperation. In fact, some middle income and low-income people already struggle with other expenditures such as on electricity or. water bill, which gradually increases due to the growth of the economy. In particular circumstances, those monthly payments not mentioned the transportation tax account on more than half of the total income of the breadwinner. The consequence is that it will worsen the relationship between the authorities and the citizens.Therefore,it is understandable that the mentioned solution might have reversed effects, which can deteriorate the current situation.
On the other hand this policy may impede environmental degradation in some aspects.For instance, people who daily commute to work by private means of transport may consider using public transports as the alternatives since continuing driving cars to offices may cause a financial burden. In addition, there would be considerable renovation and modernization in terms of public transport facilities, which will ultimately reduce traffic congestion and air pollution.As a result, this rule can benefit the community in different ways as well as combating global warming, which is a head-splitting issue the human race has to tackle.
To sums up, this solution will inevitably bring both advantages and disadvantages,so the government should cautiously consider its efficacy before officially enacting.
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Upgrading[W1]  transport infrastructure by allocating money from Rasing[W2]  tax on vehicles especially on private cars is considered to be an effective solution by the governments.This [W3] essay will examine [W4] both benefits and drawbacks of that solution.

On the one hand, the escalation of individual car tax might cause indignation and exasperation. In fact, some middle income and low-income people already struggle[W5]  with other expenditures such as on electricity or. [W6] water bill, which gradually increases due to the growth of the economy[W7] . In particular circumstances, those monthly payments not mentioned the transportation tax account on more than half of the total income of the breadwinner[W8] . The consequence is that it will worsen the relationship between the authorities and the citizens.Therefore,it is understandable that the mentioned solution might have reversed effects, which can deteriorate the current situation.

On the other hand this policy may impede environmental degradation in some aspects.For instance, people who daily commute to work by private means of transport may consider using public transports as the alternatives since continuing driving cars to offices may cause a financial burden.[W9]  In addition, there would be considerable renovation and modernization in terms of public transport facilities, which will ultimately reduce traffic congestion and air pollution.As a result, this rule can benefit the community in different ways as well as combating global warming, which is a head-splitting issue the human race has to tackle.[W10]

To sums up, this solution will inevitably bring both advantages and disadvantages,so the government should cautiously consider its efficacy before officially enacting.

 [W1]Idea suggestion: V+ing at beginning is limited to use in IELTS writing.

 [W2]Spelling error: Raising and there is no reason to write first letter in capital.

 [W3]Grammar error: There is a space after a dot.

 [W4]Vocabulary error: Illustrate or show.

 [W5]Grammar error(Tense): have already struggled

 [W6]Grammar error: Why you put a dot here?

 [W7]Idea suggestion: In fact, low  and middle income people are struggling with daily expense.

 [W8]Coherent and cohesive error: The meaning of these words is not relevant so much.

 [W9]Coherent and cohesive error: First you mention environmental degradation but your example also mention financial burden.

 [W10]Idea suggestion: In this paragraph you failed totally to meet the demand of question



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