The best way for governments to solve the problem of traffic congestion is to provide free public transport in 24 hours per day, and 7 days a week. Disagree or agree?
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Free public transport in the whole day and week is argued that the best solution for governments to reduce gridlock. I totally disagree with this idea.

If authorities apply this plan in reality, the lawbreaking rate can be increased, and a lot of money will be wasted. Firstly, buses and undergrounds space are good places for criminals. Using means of transport without money, the number of habitant move by this types of transport will rise rapidly and lead to jostle which create people lose their vigilance. As a consequence, they will become subject of thieves, perverts, etc. My friend became a victim when she was in a bus. Someone touch her chest but she donot know who is this person because of many people at that time. Secondly, government can throw money at this idea. It is an undeniable fact that public transport can decrease traffic jam because it can carry a lot of passengers and help decline private vehicles. But it is not neccessary use it in all the time. The amount of passengers in midnight are not as many as during the day or rush hour. Therefore, governments have to pay money for petrol, worker and so on which is very extravagant.

Neverthless, authorities need find a method to deal with the traffic congestion. Instead of squandering money on free public transport, they should invest in building and upgrading infrastructures. For instance, they should spend a large money to enlarge and repair the road, so drivers can go faster thank to change road become bigger and better.

In conclusion, the advantages of public transport cannot deny but shouldn't use free and all the time.
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3 Answers

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tớ thấy một số lỗi ngữ pháp trong bài không biết có phải do viết vội nên quên mất

this types of transport --> type or these types

create people lose their vigilance --> make people lose

don't know who is this person --> who that person is

not neccessary use it in all the time --> not neccessary to use it all the time

in midnight--> at midnight

the amount of + noun : theo mình biết thì amount đi vs danh từ không đếm đươc kiểu như amount of money còn đây thì nên dùng number . Và the number/amount of + noun thì đi vs "is" chứ không phải là " are"

and so on which is ... --> and so on, which is...

become subject of thieves ...--> không biết có nên dùng target thay vì subject không?

Còn về cấu trúc thì tớ thấy 2 body paragraph thấy rõ sự bất cân đối về các ý tưởng cũng như độ dài. 





18 points

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Cảm ơn bạn nhiều ^^.
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1 vote

jostle đâu phải là noun nhỉ


As a consequence, they will become subject(s) of thieves, perverts, etc. My friend became a victim when she was in a bus. Someone touch (thời động từ?) her chest but she donot know who is this person (who this person is) because of many people at that time. Secondly, government can throw money at this idea( câu này khá cụt và tối nghĩa). It is an undeniable fact that public transport can decrease traffic jam because it can carry a lot of passengers and help decline private vehicles. But it is not neccessary (to) use it in all the time. The amount of passengers in midnight are(is) not as many as during the day or rush hour. Therefore, governments have to pay money for petrol, worker(s) and so on(,) which is very extravagant.

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14 points


Cảm ơn bạn nhiều ^^.
đầu tiên tớ cũng thắc mắc từ này nhưng tra thử trong từ điển này thì có cậu ạ. nhưng không biết có phải đấy là cách dùng trong anh - anh :(
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in midnight--> at midnight
thêm nữa là tớ thấy 2 body par được cân đối về độ dài lắm bạn nhé

124 points

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