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8 F  The website...........aim to provide ready- made itineraries and packages for... =  which provide potental visitors ........... everything the destination had to offer => Conclude the answer ís False .

9 NG It was found that most visitors started searching on the website by geographical location = reading all paragraphs and you are not able to find any related sentences => Conclude the answer is Not Given

10 F According to research, 26 of visitors satisfaction is related to their accommodation = This is important .....74% to visitors satisfaction, white transport and accommodation account of the remaining 26 %  => Conclude the answer is False

11 T Visitor to New Zealand like to become involved in the local culture =  It has also been found that visitors enjoyed cultural activities when they are interactive. => Conclude The answer is True

12 NG Visitor like staying in smalls in New Zealand rather in large ones = reading all paragraphs and you are not able to find any related sentences => Conclude the answer is Not Given

13 T Many visitors feel it is unlikely that they will return New Zealand after their visit = Most visitors stay for longer ( average 20 days) and want to see as much of the country as possible on what is often seen as a once in a life => Conclude the answer is True

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