today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are sold. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
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Nowadays in open business environment there are a lot of people believe that the high sales of common consumer goods indicate the power of advertising and not the true needs of society in which they are sold. To be honest I agree with this issue and this essay below will analyze virtually about this.

To begin with, theoretically the goods can be categorized into two types are necessary and not the real needs. In particular, the useful commodities are easy to sell in every sale systems even private store and briskly receive lucrative money. Because of these reasons, the daily using categories become popular everywhere. Unlike, not the real needs products are rarely performed in the store just in case an expert store. Generally, these items are just produced in a small number.

Remarkably, we are unaccepted the power of the advertising in business. For instance, advertising is one of the most crucial role to sale commodities in a lot of companies today. They pour a huge of funding into introducing their products to the consumers easier by television, internet, radios and papers. Formerly, the best qualified commodities are just speared by mouth, so the business sphere becomes to restrict. Nowadays if a normal product have a right advertising plan it will become successful but in return it will decline with a good commodities lack of advertising. In addition, the advertising is the best way to consumer can be reached the products.

In conclusion, albeit the qualification is basic criterion of products, however, the products can be enlarge obviously depend on advertising plan.


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Hello Lavendar95, mình vừa có góp ý bài viết của bạn, xem qua nhé.

Bài viết của bạn củng tương đối rồi, tuy nhiên phần thân bài trình bày các ý thiếu liên kết và không rõ ràng. 

Nowadays in a open business environment there are a lot of people believe that the high sales of common consumer => daily consuming goods indicate the power of advertising and not the true needs of society in which they are sold. To be honest I agree with this issue => this is a opinion not issue and this essay below will analyze virtually about this.

To begin with, theoretically the goods => daily or common goods ( the is not approriate in context) can be categorized into two types  which one is are necessary and the other is not the real needs. In particular, the useful commodities are easy to sell in every sale systems even private store and briskly receive lucrative money. Because of these reasons, the daily using categories become popular everywhere. Unlike, not the real needs products are rarely performed in the store just in case an expert store => large chain stores. Generally, these items are just produced in a small number.

Remarkably, we are unaccepted the power of the advertising in business => this contracdict what you present in this paragraph. For instance, advertising is one of the most crucial role to sale commodities in a lot of companies today. They pour a huge of funding => money ( funding is not appropriate in this context) into introducing their products to the consumers easier (câu này không có so sánh, sao bạn dùng easier) by television, internet, radios and papers. Formerly, the best qualified commodities are just speared => spread by mouth, so the business sphere becomes to restrict. Nowadays if a normal product have -> has a right advertising plan it will become successful but in return it will decline with a good commodities lack of advertising. In addition, the advertising is the best way to consumer can be reached the products.

In conclusion, albeit the qualification is a basic criterion of products, however, the products can be enlarge obviously depend on advertising plan.

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cảm ơn bạn rất nhiều nhé, thật sự rất bổ ích  :)

Hello Lavendar95 

Nếu bạn sắp xếp các ý và viết lại bài này mình góp ý tiếp cho nhé:D

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