Some people think that managers alone should make decisions in the company, while others think that employees should be involved in the decision-making process to
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Some people think that managers alone should make decisions in the company, while others think that employees should be involved in the decision-making process to. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

People have different views about making decisions in a company. While some people argue that decisions should be made by the managers, I believe that it will be better if there is an involvement of members in the company.

On the one hand, decisions without hearing the options of employees in business organizations tend to be quickly in comparison with decisions made collectively, which are time-consuming. By taking the decision alone, the leader will certainly reduce the risk of losing business opportunities, which may bring advantages for the company. For example, the director who decided to purchase raw materials for stock in mass with low cost at the right time, before the market witness a rise in the price of its material, would derive significant benefits for the company. If that decision has been given to discuss in the group, it would have taken time, so that the company will possibly miss the opportunity for earning profit.

On the other hand, from my perspective, it is essential for a company to consult employees before making any crucial decision. There is no doubt that the opinions of members in an organization are so valuble that it plays an important role in the making-decision process. By gathering opinion from individuals, the decision is likely to be right because it avoids overconficence bias, which an individial decision maker trusts his own judgment. Moreover, before taking decisions, the group of employees discusses the problem will take advantage of sharing information, and this can increase understanding, clarify issues as well as facilitate movement toward a collective decision.     

In conclusion, although decisions made by a single individual can considerably benefit for a company, it seems to me that decision making with a group’s input would be a good idea.

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Hi Mario,

Here's my thought and recommedations. Don't take it too seriously. Underline means you should get rid of it. Or means better word choices



People have different views about making decisions in a company. While some people argue that decisions should be made (only) by the managers, I believe that it will be better if there is an involvement of members in the company (or it will be better if relevant staff/ employees have a chance to participate in the organisation's operation

On the one hand, decisions without hearing the options of employees in business organizations tend to be quickly in comparison with decisions (theses) made collectively, ( no comma)which are time-consuming. By taking the decision alone, the leader will certainly reduce the risk of losing business opportunities, which may bring advantages for the company. For example, the director who decided to purchase raw materials for stock in mass with low cost at the right time, before the market witness (witnesses) a rise in the price of its material (or in its price), would derive significant benefits for the company. If that decision has been given to discuss (be discussed) in the group, it would have taken time, so that the company will possibly miss the opportunity for earning (a/the) profit.

On the other hand, from my perspective, it is essential for a company to consult ( or count) employees before making any crucial decision. There is no doubt that the opinions of members in an organization are so valuble (valuable) that it plays an important role in the making-decision process. By gathering opinion (ideas/advice) from individuals ( or diverse perspectives/ viewpoints/ backgrounds) , the decision is likely to be right because it avoids (the) overconficence bias, which an individial decision maker trusts excessively his own judgment. Moreover, before taking (final) decisions (made/ released), the group of employees discusses the problem (a group discussion/ teamwork) will take advantage of sharing (shared) information, and this can increase understanding, clarify issues as well as facilitate movement toward a collective decision.     

In conclusion, although decisions made by a single individual can considerably benefit for a company, it seems to me that decision making with a group’s input would be a good idea.


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