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The table illustrates data on how many people use organic fuel, in eight different countries,measured in millions, from 2004 to 2030.

Overall, the number of people using fuel from organic sources in these regions increased with the notable exception of China and some Latin America.

It is obviously that India has had the highest number of residents who rely on natural coal with a rise from 740 to 782 millions over this period of time.Between 2004 and 2005,  there was a drop of 33 million people in China. In the next 25-year, this figure is predicted to decline considerably to 394 millions whereas in Indonesia and other Asian countries, these figures have tended to increase gradually year-by-year. The American-nation group which includes North America and Brazil, shared the same growth trend except for the rest of Latin America with its slight fall from 60 to 58 millions at the same period of time.



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The table illustrates data on how many people use organic fuel, in eight different countries,measured in millions, from 2004 to 2030.

Overall, the number of people using fuel from organic sources in these regions has increased with the notable exception of China and some Latin America.

It is obviously that India has had the highest number of residents who rely on consume natural coal with a rise from 740 to 782 millions over this period of time.Between 2004 and 2005,  there was a drop of 33 million people in China from 480 million of people in 2004. In the next 25-year, this figure is predicted to decline considerably to 394 millions whereas in Indonesia and other Asian countries, these figures tend to increase gradually year-by-year. The American-nation group which includes North South America and Brazil, shared the same growth trend except for the rest of Latin America with its slight fall from 60 to 58 millions at the same period of time.

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