People think that the best way to increase road safety is to increase the minimum age for driving. To what extend Do you agree or disagree?
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It is universally believed that the rise of the legal driving age for drivers and motorists is the optimal method in an attempt to ameliorate the traffic security. According to what I believe, I myself partly with the statement for several following reasons.

The adolescents typically show a rich variety of their negative behaviours when driving on the streets. They are regularly aggressive, immature and even reckless, therefore, there is no surprise when they commit violation such as crossing the red light, no using helmet as well as exceeding the speed limit. As a consequence, these activities are the precursors to fatal collisions. Nevertheless, misadventures are not the matter of age but of awareness and attitudes. To exemplify, according to the final report of survey results and polls on May 2016 conducted by DanTri Newspaper which is one of the top newspapers in VietNam, 70 percent of the accidents that took place in VietNam were attributed to the senior citizens.

I would argue that there are a large number of better measures for ensuring road safety. The first one is that governmental leaders should enforce more stringent laws and suspend the driving license long-term. For instance, people who break traffic rule must be required to pay huge fines or be bar them from commuting on the streets. As a result, traffic crashed will be sprung down and commuters will likely respect the law. Another solution is to invest more money in transport infrastructures and construct overhead bridges. It broadens roadways and of course catalyzes to decrease the traffic congestion.

In conclusion, although I believe that apart from increasing the legal age for driving, I am in favor of the fact that there are a lot of positive ways to safeguard inhabitants traveling on the streets everyday.
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It is universally believed that the rise of the legal minimum driving age for drivers and motorists is the optimal method in an attempt to ameliorate the traffic security. According to what I believe, I myself agree partly with the statement for several the following several reasons.

The adolescents typically show a rich variety of their negative behaviours when driving on in the streets. They are regularly usually aggressive, immature and even reckless, therefore, there is no surprise when they commit the violations such as crossing driving through the a red light, no using no helmet as well as exceeding the speed limit. As a consequence, these activities are the precursors to fatal collisions. Nevertheless, misadventures are not the matter of age but of awareness and attitudes. To exemplify Indeed, according to the final report of survey results and polls on in May 2016 conducted by DanTri Newspaper which is one of the top newspapers in VietNam, 70 percent of the accidents that took place in VietNam were attributed to the senior citizens grown-ups.

I would argue that there are a large number of better measures for ensuring road safety. The Firstly, one is that governmental leaders should enforce more stringent laws and suspend the driving licenses long-term. For instance, people who break traffic rules must be required to pay huge fines or be banned them from commuting on the streets driving. As a result, traffic crashed will be sprung down and commuters will be more likely to respect the law. Another solution is to invest more money in transport infrastructures and construct overhead bridges. It This broadens roadways and of course catalyzes contributes to decrease the traffic congestion.

In conclusion, although I believe that apart from increasing the legal minimum age for driving, I am in favor of the fact that there are a lot of positive ways to safeguard inhabitants traveling on the streets everyday.

444 points

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