Topic: The best way to increase road safety is to make car drivers retake their driving test every year. Do you agree or disagree?
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Nowadays, with significant development of road traffic, the most important task is to reduce road traffic accidents in order to create road safety. Many people support the idea that car drivers must be update their driving license annually. From my perspective, that is only one of many ways to maintain safety for people in traffic.

On the one hand, there are many benefits when car drivers retake their driving test by the year. It is clear that through doing the driving test annually, drivers can update new regulations about transportation as well as review the whole knowledge in safety driving. Therefore, they can control a lot of dangers on the road caused by subjective factors such as go overspeed or do not wear seat belts. Moreover, updating car driving license each year is same as a reminder to drivers in order to enhance their responsibility when using car and show them punishments in road traffic violations, thereby contributing to decrease the great number of hazards for road traffic participants.

On the other hand, the road safety is the cooperation of consciousness of all traffic participants not only car drivers. It is obvious that car drivers are only one in huge kinds of road traffic participants like motorbike riders, pedestrians and bikers, so administrators need issue regulations for both car divers and others. For example, motorbike riders also must get licenses when using motor in the road and give proper punishments for pedestrians and bikers if they do not obey the traffic rules. Furthermore, from a macro perspective, if road transport infrastructure is too poor or degraded and can not catch up with the remarkable increase of traffic participants, that caused nervousness in them result in losing control accidents. Hence, the government should eliminate risks related with infrastructure such as build more roads and install suitable traffic light in order to help residents easy to comply with law of transportation.

In a nutshell, with above explanations, I strongly believe that there are many approaches to keep road safety, requesting car drivers retake their driving year by year is only one way. The government need issue other regulations for all traffic participants as well as upgrade infrastructure.
304 points

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1 Answer

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Nowadays, with significant development of road traffic, the most important task is to reduce road traffic accidents in order to create road safety. Many people support the idea that car drivers must be update their driving license annually. From my perspective, that is only one of many ways to maintain safety for people in traffic.

On the one hand, there are many benefits when car drivers retake their driving test by the year. It is clear that through doing the driving test annually, drivers can update new regulations about transportation as well as review the whole knowledge in safety driving. Therefore, they can control a lot of dangers on the road caused by subjective factors such as go overspeed or do not wear seat belts. Moreover, updating car driving license each year is same as a reminder to drivers in order to enhance their responsibility when using car and show them punishments in road traffic violations, thereby contributing to decrease the great number of hazards for road traffic participants.

On the other hand, the road safety is the cooperation of consciousness of all traffic participants not only car drivers. It is obvious that car drivers are only one in huge kinds of road traffic participants like motorbike riders, pedestrians and bikers, so administrators need issue regulations for both car divers and others. For example, motorbike riders also must get licenses when using motor in the road and give proper punishments for pedestrians and bikers if they do not obey the traffic rules. Furthermore, from a macro perspective, if road transport infrastructure is too poor or degraded and can not catch up with the remarkable increase of traffic participants, that caused nervousness in them result in losing control accidents. Hence, the government should eliminate risks related with infrastructure such as build more roads and install suitable traffic light in order to help residents easy to comply with law of transportation.

In a nutshell, with above explanations, I strongly believe that there are many approaches to keep road safety, requesting car drivers retake their driving year by year is only one way. The government need issue other regulations for all traffic participants as well as upgrade infrastructure.

4 points

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