IELTS Task 2 : Some people think that the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving a car or motorbike. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
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It is said that raising the lowest legal age for driving a car or riding a motorbike is the most effective way to prevent accidents. While I agree that driving age rise makes a significant contribution to reducing road accidents, I believe that other factors are equally important.

On the one hand, I agree that increasing the minimum driving age would decrease deaths and injuries. Youngers tend to break the rules and get involved in accidents because of the lack of responsibility, maturity and experience. Therefore, the older they are, the more experience they gain. Clearly, older drivers find a solution to dangerous and unpredicted situations more quickly while driving than younger ones. If a person crosses the road suddenly, for example, younger drivers might be frightened and panic, older drivers might brake or turn the steering wheel instead. To sum up, I approve of the increase in driving age.

Nevertheless, I believe that there are better measures to maintaining road safety. Firstly, the government should encourage commuters to use public transports instead of private ones in order to reduce the level of traffic. Secondly, traffic polices should fine commuters heavily or forfeit their driving license if they break the law. As a result, drivers are likely to obey the law and car accidents decrease. Finally, the authorities should invest more money in improving transportation infrastructures with a view to creating better conditions for drivers.

In conclusion, while raising driving age certainly affects the number of car crashes, I do not believe that it outweighs all other measures.

Word count: 259

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