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The maps show the developments taking place in Youngsville in  Newzealand from 1950 to 2000. It is clear from the map that the biggest change that happened to the town was the infrastructure. Additionally, there were plenty of trees being chopped down by 2005.

In 1990, the town was much greener surrounded by a lof of trees and individual houses , but over the next 25 years, drammatical changes occurs. The woodland to the South of the river Alanah was cut down to create an industrial estate with ware houses and factories around the  school and airport. Moreover, all the houses along the Railway Station were also demolished to build new skyscrapers being built to the NorthWest of the town.

Only a few trees in the North of the River still remained in 2005. A large number of trees were cleared to make way for a park, golf course and car-parking facilities.There was residential area near the NorthEast corner but those houses were knocked down and replaced by a big stadium.In the same year, a marina also appeared near the Railway station.


The maps below show the changes that took place in Youngsville in NewZealand over a 25 year old period from 1980 to 2005

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3 Answers

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 Moreover, all the houses along the Railway Station were also demolished to build new skyscrapers being built to the NorthWest of the town. Mình nghĩ bạn nên bỏ phần in đậm đi vì bị lặp từ.

still remained in 2005→ remained in 2005

đây chỉ là ý kiến của mình. cũng mong bạn giúp đỡ

6 points
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In 1990, the town was much greener surrounded by a lof of trees and individual houses , but over the next 25 years, drammatical changes occurs (occured)

353 points
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The woodland to the South of the river Alanah was cut down to create an industrial estate with ware houses (warehouses) and factories around the  school and airport

353 points

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