Task 1 test 1 Cambridge 10: Energy use and green house gas emission in Astralian household
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 The first pie chart illustrates average energy use in a typical Australian family while the second pie chart shows the percentage on the green house gas emissions from this energy consumption.

It is clear that heating made up the largest proportion of energy use with 42% of the total energy consumpton, followed by water heating which accounts for 30% family's energy usage. Refrigeration represented at 7% and lighting came in at 4%. As for other appliances, they consumed 15% total energy in family. By contrast, cooling was the smallest energy consumption, accounting for only 2% of the total.

On the other hand, 32% of greenhouse gas emission was caused by water heating, which was the highest figure. The second factors generating greenhouse gas came from other appliances with the percentage of 28%. Heating, though require the most energy, produce 15% greenhouse gas which is constantly lesser than that of water heating and othe appliances. Refigeration consittued to a smaller percentage of gas emissions at 14%. On the other hand, lighting and cooling affected only 8% and 3% of greenhouse gas emissions, respectively.

In conclusions, water heating was the most polluted activitie in Australian household in both term of energy uses and gas emissions.

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