cambridge 15 test 1 - the chart below shows the result of a survey about people's coffee and tea bying and drinking habits in five Australian cities.
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the bar chat illustrates data about people routine in the expenditure of drinking in five different cities in Australian 
Looking at the bar chart, it is immediately obvious that citizens tend to go to drinking stores to buy coffee and tea while the original one is not their favorite. moreover, powder coffee has its spot in people's habits.
Most of the citizens in Melbourne and Hobart are enjoying the drink in the store, nearly 63% for each city in one month, compare to the figure for Sydney is slightly lower, at 60 % approximately per month, and the percentage of people drinking original coffee in Brisbane and Adelaide is over 50%. The figure for residents using coffee powder in one month in five countries is not so different, from 45% to 55%, for its convenience in working place. 
Regarding Sydney and Melbourne cities, the percentage of residents bringing original coffee per month is higher than others, about 43% and 42 % respectively. By contrast, the figure of both Brisbane and Adelaide cities is low, just only nearly 70 % for both while the figure for people who tend to bring original coffee in Hobart city is slightly higher, at 44 %. 
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