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Subjects such as Art, Sport and Music are being dropped from the school curriculum for subjects such as Information Technology. Many people feel that children suffer as a result of these changes.
To what extent would you support or reject the idea of removing these subjects from the school curriculum ?
You should write at least 250 words. You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidences.

My Essay

Some people argued that it is pointless to spend time on learning subjects like Art, Sport and Music instead of Sciences such as Information Technology. This change in the school’s courses will lead to bad effects for students. Hence, I completely disagree with this view.
To commence with, Artistic subjects and Sport have brought great benefits to learners. Firstly, Art and Music encourage students to discover their hidden creative power and enrich their mind. It is work of art that makes our lives more colourful. Take architectural achievements as examples, without Art people will not have famous Eiffel Tower, Sydney Opera House. Secondly, not only can Sport help students to enhance their health but also build up their necessary soft skills for future such as team work, interpersonal skill and competitive spirit.
On the other hand, Sciences are too difficult for pupils in primary and secondary school take entire time to investigate. If students are forced to learn what they do not understand, they will be unhappy, hate learning so the quality of the lessons is not high.
Last but not least, a society needs not only scientists, doctors but also singers, athletes and artists. Thus, students have right to learn diverse subjects to realize who they truly want to become after graduation. How can we have beautiful building and inspired songs if our world are overwhelmed with scientists, experts?
In conclusion, subjects such as Art, Sport and Music play an essential role for students to develop their knowledge and health. School curriculum should take the balanced education into consideration.

 (260 words)
23 points

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Some people argued that it is pointless to spend time on learning subjects like Art, Sport and Music instead of Sciences such as Information Technology. This change in the school’s courses(schedule) will lead to bad effects for students. Hence, I completely disagree with this view.
To commence with, Artistic subjects and Sport have brought great benefits to learners. Firstly, Art and Music encourage students to discover their hidden creative power and enrich their minds. It is a work of art that makes our lives more colourful. Take architectural achievements as examples (for example), without Art people will not (would not) have famous Eiffel Tower, Sydney Opera House. Secondly, not only can Sport help students to enhance their health but also build up their necessary soft skills for future such as team work, interpersonal skill and competitive spirit.
On the other hand, Sciences are too difficult for pupils in primary and secondary school take entire time to investigate. If students are forced to learn what they do not understand, they will be unhappy, hate learning so the quality of the lessons is not high.
Last but not least, a society needs not only scientists, doctors but also singers, athletes and artists. Thus, students have right to learn diverse subjects to realize who they truly want to become after graduation. How can we have beautiful building and inspired songs if our world are overwhelmed with scientists, experts?
In conclusion, subjects such as Art, Sport and Music play an essential role for students to develop their knowledge and health ( in student’s development of their knowledge and health). School curriculum should take the balanced education into consideration.

61 points

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