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These days more fathers stay at home and take care of their children while mothers go out to work. What could be the reasons for this? Do you think it is a positive or a negative development?

it is true that nowadays, many males have fulfilled responsibility for taking care of their children, whereas females keep the role of finding money. in my opinion, there is a variety of reasons for this phenomenon as well as this change is a turning point improvement.

it is vitally important that thanks to the policy of the governments, women have equal rights. this means that females have more opportunities to work like males. moreover, the majority of female employees have worked in high positions in societies and workplaces seeing that they are smart, careful and hard working that are special characteristics of them in their job. for example, in some countries, the equal rights are estimated to be at high levels, the governments enfoce some policies which require husbands have to help and share housework with their wives, otherwise, they would be punished.

the main benefit of this issue is that husbands could understand the challenges of their wives that they no only have responsible for looking after their children, but also be presure under the atmosphere of the workforces. therefore, males should share these obligations with females. furthermore, mothers have maintained their jobs in order to reduce the burden of financy in the life of families. for instance, if women get more handsome incomes than others, they would become a bread-winer instead of men.

in conclusion, because of equal rights, today, many mothers could go to workforce and father would be a person who have obligation looking after their offsprings. it is obvious that it has several advantages for this change.

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Bài của bạn rất tốt , các ý cũng đã có có sự liên kết và mạch lạc . Tuy  mình mới viết mấy ngày nhưng mình thấy bạn dùng  từ women thì nên dùng từ tương xứng với nó là men . Thứ hai là mình thấy bạn đã dùng rất nhiều từ nối , rất tốt nhưng sau mỗi dấu câu bạn nên viêt hoa và khi xuống dòng cũng nên như vậy. Mình thấy từ equal rights nhưng đọc mãi vẫn không hiểu , có lẽ ở đây bạn muốn nói tới sự cân bằng chăng?Bản thân mình cũng chưa thấy từ này bao h , nếu mình có sai sót , mong bạn thông cảm
7 points


equal rights nghia la quyen binh dang do ban ^^
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