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Topic: Women and men are commonly seen as having different strengths and weaknesses. Is it right to exclude males or females from certain proffessions because of their gender?

There has always been a wide range of jobs men and women have done. Some people argue that the selection of gender basically relies on the typical features of works, while others believe that gender equality should be encouraged. I strongly agree with the later view.

To some extent, it is undeniable that some special occupations are just only appropriate to one gender category, because of gender differences in biological traits and psychological characteristics. For examples, women who is gentle and compliant are more suitable to do some jobs like PG, nurse, secretary,... Besides, some works require a great deal of potential strengths, such as logging and porterage, should be done by men.

However, almost kinds of jobs need to be offered equally to both men and women due to similar living conditions. To give details, both genders are allowed to absorb knowledge, learn skiils ang get experiences similarly, so they have the right to choose the occupations they like. Some strong women are also able to become driver or police, which are for men. Furthermore, many male cooks are so talented that they even cook better than female ones. Therefore, there is no reason why men and women are excluded from some types of works.

To conclude, although it has been a disparity of potential strengths between male and female, they need to be given fair opportunities to choose jobs. If they are interested in this work, no matter what gender they are,  they can do jobs the best.
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 the later view: the latter view

 it is undeniable that some special occupations are just only appropriate to one gender category, because of gender differences in biological traits and psychological characteristics. : lỗi punctuation

women who is gentle and compliant: lỗi grammar

some works: works có nghĩa là tác phẩm

almost kinds of jobs : almost all kinds of jobs hoặc most kinds of jobs

some works require a great deal of potential strengths, such as logging and porterage, should be done by men.: thiếu relative clause 

get experiences : dùng gain hoặc acquire sẽ hay hơn

 which are for men: which are typifed as men's careers

 Furthermore, many male cooks are so talented that they even cook better than female ones: a little off-topic

 Therefore, there is no reason why men and women are excluded from some types of works.??

. If they are interested in this work,:  what work?

can do jobs the best.: 

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