Women and men are commonly seen as having different strengths and weaknesses. Is it right to exclude males or females from certain professions because of their gender?
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Women and men are commonly seen as having different strengths and weaknesses. Is it right to exclude males or females from certain professions because of their gender?
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Both women and men are born with their own character pros and cons which make them poles apart. Some people wonder whether each sex should be prohibited from doing some kind of job due to their gender. In this essay I would present some arguments for the idea that gender equality should be practiced wherever possible.

It is true that there are certain posts that are perfectly done by females but not males and vice versa. Nannies or care workers, for example, are self-evidently female jobs. That may be because females are programmed to give birth and care for their young offspring, they are always more caring, compassionate and empathetic than males or tend to play more of a caring role. By contrast, there has always been a greater bias by men toward doing jobs which are quite risky and require extreme physical fitness like pilots, soldiers or coal miners and so on.

On the other hand, nowadays when gender equality has become one of the basic terms in the law of many advanced and developed countries, women as well as men have proved that they can play a significant role in many occupations where the opposite sex traditionally dominates. Let’s take, for example, stateswomen like Margaret Thatcher, Hilary Clinton, Truong My Hoa or many world’s famous male master chefs. However, I can understand that it is not always easy for people, especially women, who want to do long-established male jobs.

In conclusion, although I know that nature has a great impact on a person’s ability to perform in a certain occupation, I strongly believe that nurturing also counts for one’s job accomplishment and gender should not be brought into play in modern societies.
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The difference in choosing jobs among males and females relies on their strengths and weaknesses. One question emerging these days is whether or not eliminating job opportunities from particular professions owing to workers’ gender is right. From my perspective, it is unnecessary to concern about that issue since having many suitable explanations can be pointed out to interpreter it.

First of all, the equality in career promotion should be given out toward distinguished genders because this can be profitable for society. Multiple jobs has been seen as specific works for males or females, however, opposite gender can manage those professions even might conduct more outstanding. There are a number of people who subscribe that almost specialists in natural science are males and opposite gender rarely succeed in this field. Nevertheless, if community is more open-minded and permit for all to pursue their desires, females will take this chance to attend in many natural sciences such as mathematics, chemistry, radiation, etc. As a result, they might create many more convenient and useful products to serve every resident and contribute the prosperity of community.

Secondly, making decision about any jobs depends on people’s natural inclination, so it is no need to avoid any genders in any certain jobs. Usually, girls are very keen on works requiring meticulous and patient skills including sewing, embroidering, cooking and dancing, therefore they tend to do those jobs in future. On the contrary, boys are interested in jobs which its candidates have to meet the demand of stamina. Hence, employees often choose their career basing on their natural tendency and it is waste of time to keep them away from certain professionals.

In conclusion, it is unsuitable to refrain people form chasing particular jobs because of their sexes. I am of opinion that deciding to follow any specific professions should be the freedom of workers depending on their sake and natural disposition.

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