Some people believe that people who read books can develop more imagination and language skills than those prefer to watch TV. To what extent do you agree?
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An often debated topic is whether people who develop the habit of reading could enhance their imagination and language skills better than those who choose to watch television. At present, some people say that there is no need for reading as they could see all things on the box, however, I do not agree with this idea for the following reasons.

To commence with, reading helps people expand their imagination significantly that television cannot do. When seeing a story in a book, readers could easily remember it for a long period of time. Many years later, that story could come back by a “return” in their mind, being something that people watching television for pleasure do not have. Admittedly, many live shows on TV could provide audiences with information in vivid ways, however, these audiences just be able to get instant gratification but not really in-depth knowledge.

Equally important, readers usually have better language skills than television watchers.  In Vietnam, for example, numerous teenagers have been unable to distinguish between ‘him’ and ’hymn’ just because these words are pronounced exactly the same. In fact, spelling is suffered from watching or hearing rather than reading. In addition, language ability is a cumulative build-up of every one. When reading a book every day for pleasure, people could learn a lot from writing styles of the authors who have had many years of training before publishing a literature, for instance.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that people who read regularly usually have better imagination and linguistic skills than ones who just watch television.
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2 Answers

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Đề bài là: có phải đọc sách thì trí tưởng tượng và khả năng ngôn ngữ tốt hơn là xem TV? Tự nhiên bạn lại làm trật ra là "một số người cho là không cần phải đọc sách" và phản đối quan điểm này.

Para 1: nên phân biệt giữa trí tưởng tượng và trí nhớ. Bạn có thể lấy ví dụ từ quyển sách nào đó bạn thích. Bạn tưởng tượng ra hình dáng nhân vật ra sao, khung cảnh diễn ra sự việc sống động thế nào (e.g: Harry Potter :-) và so sánh với các cảnh diễn trong bộ phim cùng tên.

Para 2: các kỹ năng ngôn ngữ gồm có nghe nói đọc viết. Mình e là khó lấy ví dụ ai chỉ đọc không mà phát triển tốt khả năng nghe-nói. Nếu có người như thế thì cũng hiếm, không phải là common.

Đoạn kết tốt :D

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31 points
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I have no idea về essay này nhưng t có mấy ý về advantages of book : 

1. if you have a book, you could read it again and again, until you fully understand or enjoy it

2. you can mark the important points you think to make it more logical or add some notes beside it to retain the inspiration the book brings to you

3. book is portable

35 points

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