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The tendency towards replacing meat-based meals by vegetarian diet has never been clearer than it is at present. Shortage of nutrients and energy supply are chief declarations protested by components, whilst many supporters assert that this kind of diet bestows splendid conditions on human’ health in terms of both physical and mental facet. I entirely hold my belief on thorough effects of this eating method for several reasons.

First and foremost, with a long-term habit of eating ingraining in our mindset, a majority of people acclaim that meat is an indispensable food in our every single meals because only by using them do people have an ample amount of proteins as well as energy for their growth and survival. That seem to be right, however, according to many dependable chemical analysis on vegetarian meals, the specialists demonstrate that raw rice and beans can absolutely meet our demand of energy and proteins thanks to diversity of inner nutrients of those seeds. Furthermore, due to weak bonds among vegetarian compounds, human body can make use of them more easily with high efficiency rather than that of meats. Moreover, biologically, the more species locate in lower levels of chain food, the less toxicant is accumulated, and vegetable is a prime case in point. Thus, consuming vegetable instead of meat is a contributor to obstructing contamination inside human body.

Secondly, with regard to economic aspect, we all know that the present of meat on every dinner is accompanied by the flourish of food industrialization. For instance, in United States, the government has to pour a massive amount of money into meat production such as building extensive farms with thousands hectare for feeding obese chickens, pigs and cows; followed by many enormous fields of grain which are utilized as artificial food for those industrial animals. Ironically, why do not they consume directly those grains? It is enough nutrients and much cheaper and they can re-allocate the budget to other such aspects as environment, philanthropy or psychology. Besides, behind the meat industrialization is a tremendous jeopardy on environment from not only sewage emission but also chemical compounds.

In short, no sooner is vegetarian diet applied than it will reduce many burdens for people and our living conditions. I suppose that the government should encourage citizen to prioritize highly this kind of meal for better society.
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The tendency towards replacing meat-based meals by vegetarian diet has never been clearer than it is at present. Shortage of nutrients and energy supply are chief declarations protested by components, whilst many supporters assert that this kind of diet bestows splendid conditions on human’ health in terms of both physical and mental facet. I entirely hold my belief on thorough effects of this eating method for several reasons.

First and foremost, with a long-term habit of eating ingraining in our mindset, a majority of people acclaim that meat is an indispensable food in our every single meals because only by using them do people have an ample amount of proteins as well as energy for their growth and survival. That seem to be right, however, according to many dependable chemical analysis on vegetarian meals, the specialists demonstrate that raw rice and beans can absolutely meet our demand of energy and proteins thanks to diversity of inner nutrients of those seeds. Furthermore, due to weak bonds among vegetarian compounds, human body can make use of them more easily with high efficiency rather than that of meats. Moreover, biologically, the more species locate in lower levels of chain food (food chain), the less toxicant is accumulated, and vegetable is a prime case in point. Thus, consuming vegetable instead of meat is a contributor to obstructing contamination inside human body.

Secondly, with regard to economic aspect, we all know that the present(presence) of meat on every dinner ( in every dinner or on every dinner menu) is accompanied by the flourish of food industrialization. For instance, in United States, the government has to pour a massive amount of money into meat production such as building extensive farms with thousands hectare for feeding obese chickens, pigs and cows; followed by many enormous fields of grain which are utilized as artificial food for those industrial animals. Ironically, why do not they consume directly those grains? It is enough nutrients and much cheaper and they can re-allocate the budget to other such aspects as environment, philanthropy or psychology. Besides, behind the meat industrialization(meat processing industry???) is a tremendous jeopardy on environment from not only sewage emission but also chemical compounds.

In short, no sooner is vegetarian diet applied than it will reduce many burdens for people and our living conditions. I suppose that the government should encourage citizen(citizens) to prioritize highly this kind of meal for better society.

61 points

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