Luyện thi đại học, bài viết 140 từ, tiêu chí nội dung rõ ràng, k sai chính tả, ngữ pháp - chủ đề Do you like to eat out or eat at home?
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Although it is always fun to eat out once in a while but if I were to choose, I would prefer to eat at home because it is cleaner, safer, provides all kinds of selection and suitable for your diet or allergy. First of all, most restaurants these days don’t cook food in front of their customer. As a result, we can’t tell what goes in our food. Moreover, nowadays restaurants and food stalls are usually specialized, meaning they serve only one kind of food. But if we eat at home, we can choose whatever we want to eat, whether it is Japanese or American . Finally, the most common reason is because of allergies or diets. Because of the number of customers, restaurants usually refuse to handle such special requests.
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Although it is always fun to eat out once in a while but if I were to choose, I would prefer to eat at home because it is cleaner, safer, provides all kinds of selection lỗi cấu trúc song song (parallel structure) and suitable for your diet or allergy. First of all, most restaurants these days don’t cook food in front of their customers. As a result, we can’t tell what goes in our food. Moreover, nowadays restaurants and food stalls are usually specialized, meaning they serve only one kind of food. But if we eat at home, we can choose whatever we want to eat, whether it is Japanese or American . Finally, the most common reason is because of allergies or diets. Because of the number of customers, restaurants usually refuse to handle such special requests.

- Về ngữ pháp thì ngữ pháp của bạn ổn rồi, tuy nhiên về ý, mình xin góp ý như sau :D (Nếu mình có gì sai sót mọi người cùng sửa nhé):

- Về mặt safe: thực ra mình nghĩ là nếu đưa lý do là do không nấu trước mặt khách xem chừng chưa thuyết phục lắm. Hay là bạn có thể lấy dẫn chứng như nguồn thực phẩm các nhà hàng chọn thường rẻ tiền, có nhiều vụ ngộ độc thực phẩm ...

Đó chỉ là ý kiến riêng của mình thôi, có gì sai sót mọi người cùng góp ý nhé :)

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