In order to solve traffic problems, governments should tax private car owners heavily and use the money to improve public transportation. What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a solution?
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Traffic congestion is considered as a fundamental problem of Ho Chi Minh city. One feasible solution in order to solve this obstacle is to impose high taxes on car drivers and use this money to intensify public transport better. This essay will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of such a measure.

One of the first benefits of such an innovative way is that the heavy taxes would discourage car owners from using their automobiles inasmuch as it would become extortionate to drive. Consequently , they would substitute for using public means of transport, thus decreasing traffic problems and pollution as well. Another benefit would be that much more interests would be made of public transport providing that it was ameliorated. What is more, public transport systems in Ho Chi Minh city is still imperfect. For instance, we often see dozens of overcrowded buses in the street, especially, these situation is more serious in rush hour. High taxes would generate enough money to make the essential changes.

Nevertheless, there are drawbacks to such a solution. First of all, this would be a heavy burden on the car owners. At present, taxes are already high for a lot of inhabitants of the city, and so further taxes would make their lives more difficult. In addition, this type of tax would likely be set at a fixed amount which hit those with less money harder, whilst the rich could certainly afford it. Thereby being an injustice.

In conclusion, this aforementioned solution is worth considering to  improve the current situation, but there are beneficial and detrimental of introducing such a policy.
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Bài viết của bạn khá tốt, nhưng đoạn body 2 mình thấy sao chép nguyên từ bài mẫu band 8.0, có nên như vậy ko? câu trả lời này phụ thuộc vào bạn.

Đây là bài của mình.


Recently, traffic congestion has become a serious issue in most cities on the world,  one of the main reasons causing this problem is a lot of cars on the road. To solve this problem, some opinions suggested that the Government should give a measure such as imposing the heavy tax on private car owners and get money for public transport. In my view, this policy has both profits and drawbacks.

It is easy to see that, imposing the high tax on personal car owners has some positive efficiencies. The first primary advantage of this policy is to make the people who have average or low incomes to be felt discouraged to buy a car. Because they can’t afford for every fee by adhering with running a car. Consequently, they might force to use other ways to travel such as bicycling or taking on bus or train. As the result, this would bring second profit is to decrease own cars on the road. So that the traffic jams also are declined and air pollution following downed. Besides, the rich could use their cars with high taxes and the money collected from them would be used to invest in building or upgrading public transport systems. This is the third advantage that the policy would be gain.

Despite the attractions, the policy of imposing the heavy tax on the private car has its own some drawbacks. The greatest disadvantage of such solution is to gap significantly between rich and poor in the society.  The more growth society develops the larger gaps between rich and poor. So, any government would not be desire this to happen. Another drawback of the policy is to cause the overload status of public transport capacity. This may happen because the infrastructure and public transport options are not satisfied with a lot of commuter's demands. In addition, increasing higher taxes in private car drivers might lead financial burdens for car owners who have to pay more taxes for running a car such as registration fees, road tolls, parking fee and fuel charge.

In brief, any policy has its own both positive and negative effects. Imposing the heavy tax on car owners is not only having some advantages but also more disadvantages. Therefore, the government needs to be careful to launch this policy in the fact.
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