Topic: Overfishing of the world's oceans threantens many species with extinction and is putting the livelihood of millions of people around the world at risk. Causes and solutions?
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Topic: Overfishing of the world's oceans threantens many species with extinction and is putting the livelihood of millions of people around the world at risk. Causes and solutions?

Mọi người giúp mình chữa grammar và idea cho topic này với ạ :D-- Thank you so much :X

Over recent years, the lever of fishing has been increased at an alarming rate, which leads to the extinction of many species fish and triggering a lot of risks for millions of people all over the world. This essay will discuss the reasons for this issue and consider what practical solutions are available.

One of the most important causes for this tendency is that a number of areas of the world's oceans aren't protected by environment laws, which means that there aren't any punishments for the illegal fishing. Take Viet Nam for example, most of the fishermans always want to increase their trophy by electricity grid, which has awful effects foth both natural environmental and the diversity species. Another reason for this issue is that there is a growing demand for fish in worldwide, which gives rise to a quick drop in the figure for fish in the Earth. Moreover, illegal fishing is difficult to police having a vital role in this problem.

There are numerous solutions to tackle the overfishing. Firstly, regulations and laws should be imposed by authorities to protect fish species and limit fishing. This can be achieved by applying money punishments to any illegal activites, which offers terrible consequences for natural environmental; and additionally, goverments should enact taxes on fishing to make it less attractive to large firms in exploiting marine resources. On the other hand, a possible solution could be to raise the public awareness through media or curriculums in schools. For example, vast majority of children in Japan have been learned these basic knowledge in primary school, respectively.

To conclude, it is essential to address these adverse effects of this tendency by imposing  regulations or enhancing the public awareness.

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Đây là góp ý của mình :D
The lever of fishing has been increased => The level of fishing has been increasing.
many species fish => many species of fish.
fishermans => fishermen.
always => may
foth => for
both natural environmental and the diversity species=> both the natural environment and the diversity of fish species.
fish in worldwide => fish worldwide
vast majority => a vast majority
have been learned => have learned
these basic knowledge ???
Bỏ respectively.
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