A recent survey has shown that people of all ages are losing the ability to perform basic practical tasks and processes at work. the main causes of this? What solutions
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The result of a questionnaire which has taken place recently indicates that people, no matter how old are they, are losing many basic skills. It is important to identify the main reasons of this and to provide some possible measures.

 There are several causes why people find some basic practical tasks at work are difficult. First of all, nowadays there are uncountable number of tools to help them do the basic work. For example, to do a calculation there are available a calculator or a program and they just have introduce the datas. As a result, they do not need to calculate themselve. Another cause is that people are becoming more and more depending on technology. A famer today,as an illustration, to prepare the land to plant crop, will use a modern machine instead of his own skill. Consequently, he would not have some skills that a famer of his father’s generation.

To deal with this problem, there are some possible measures that we could take. One of those is that companies could organize a competition of some basic skill such as hand writing letters, where their employees could demonstrate their ability. By doing that, people of the company could have chances to practice or to refresh skills that they have already forgotten. Another solution is that children must be taugh abilities in the school as well as in the family. This will help them to be prepared in the future.

In conclusion, there are evident reasons of losing ability to achieve some basic practical task of people, but some solutions are also available.

(264 words)
27 points

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Hi sanphutho,

I am very pleasure when you want me correct some mistakes of your assay.

I have read it and I would give some advises for you.

First of all, your essay compose very well, it is balance and really clarified. You also answered the question

However, I see you should change some sentences follow:

The result of a questionnaire which has taken place recently indicates that people, no matter how old are they, are losing many basic skills. (I think this sentence quite incoherence) It is important to identify the main reasons of this and to provide some possible measures.

 There are several causes why people find some basic practical tasks at work are difficult. First of all, nowadays there are uncountable number of tools (there are a number of uncountable tools) to help them do the basic work. For example, to do (making) a calculation there are available a calculator (there is a calculator) or a computer program and they just have introduce the datas (they only have to entered the data). As a result, they do not need to calculate themselve. Another cause is that people are becoming more and more depending on technology. A famer today,as an illustration, to prepare the land to plant crop, will use a modern machine instead of his own skill. Consequently, he would not have some skills that a famer of his father’s generation.

To deal with this problem, there are some possible measures that we could take. One of those is that companies (or employers) could organize a competition of some basic skills such as hand writing letters, where (I think you should use: in which the employees have to) (their employees could) demonstrate their ability. By doing that (or According to this actions), people of the company could have chances to practice or to refresh skills that they have already forgotten. Another solution is that children must be taugh abilities in the school as well as in the family. This will help them to be prepared in the future. (I think the second reason of this paragraph you should change for another idea or you should expand this idea).

In conclusion, there are evident reasons of losing ability to achieve some basic practical tasks of people, but some solutions are also available.

These are some comments I would like to give you that you can reference.

Good luck!


12 points

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thankyou very much! As I hope, I can rely on you for good advice! Your comments are so helpful.

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