As a part of education, students should spend a period of time living in another country to learn its language and culture. Do you agree or disagree?
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Topic: As a part of education, students should spend a period of time living in another country to learn its language and culture. Do you agree or disagree?

Language and culture have been currently becoming the leading subjects of education. It is argued that students ought to devote an amount of time to inhabit another nation to learn its language as well as culture. Personally, I partly advocate this viewpoint due to two of the basic reasons.

First of all, it is apparent that living in another country earns students a pleasant its-language-learning environment. For instance, with regard to English, residing in Britain is considered as a feasible manner to study English productively. Consequently, not only do the students boost their listening and speaking skills, thanks to the daily communication with the native speakers, but they also enhance their range of vocabulary efficiently through reading a massive number of English books available. Thus, the students may feel less stressful and tired, compared to learning that language in their own countries.

Secondly, it is undeniable that inhabiting the other country provides a precious opportunity for schoolboys to acquire its own culture. Besides gaining a good knowledge of language, they may be involved in a variety of customs of that country, such as enjoying numerous traditional cuisines and witnessing various folk games. In addition, this empowers the students to be aware of the typical traits of the local people. Moreover, it is essential that they may gain a myriad of valuable experiences, including how to tackle the culture shock effectively.

In conclusion, for the stated reasons above, I believe that students should dedicate a certain and appropriate amount of time to residing in the another desired nation in order to discover its social and cultural characteristics.

41 points

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2 Answers

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1 vote
phan mo bai, ban sua lai thanh la " completely advocate" de phu hop voi phan than bai ban trinh bay, vi " partly" thi ban phai neu ca li do dong y 1 phan, ko dong y 1 phan. Day la loi sai nghiem trong nhe!
8 points
1 vote
1 vote
Mình không hiểu sao mở bài bạn viết "partly advocate" mà kết bài "believe". Nếu chỉ đồng ý một phần, bạn nên thêm 1 đoạn nêu lý do không đồng ý. Phần còn lại rất tốt :) , từ vựng học thuật sử dụng nhiều nhưng chính xác.
33 points

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