Some people think that the best way to encourage pupils at secondary school to read more is to encourage their parents to read.
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Secondary students' parents reading book can encourage their children to read more. I agree in a part with the above statement. According to me, in order to help secondary pupils read more is have a lot of ways. And that ways influence on children more from their teacher and the same age kids.

I think that statement is true when saying encourage parents to read more is the best way to encourage pupils at secondary school to read more. Parents can understand children's favorite when they read together. Parents will introduce some suitable books to their child. Parents should form the habit of reading to their chidren by taking them to the bookstore or the library. Fathers will teach the child how to read a book. And mothers will tell a story from some book before their child go to bed. Hence, children feel that reading book will help them enhance their knowledge as well as find lots of interesting things. Moreover, children tend to imitate their parents' behavior. Holding a book to read is the best behavior for the kids to imitate. They are eager to explore what content of books. They are excited with lots of pictures which are in books. This makes kids a lot of books to read.

Another way to encourage children to read is outside elements such as teachers and friends etc. Teachers should give them a group of presentation. This makes them read more book to prepare. Sometimes, teachers should give some small handouts with a mistery story or some short stories. Besides, when chidren readt at home about something which are in their homeworks, teachers will give a plus point or a prize to encourage them or improve thei academic achievement. This will motivate students to read more.

To encourage children to read more is have a lot of ways. And encourage their parents to read is one of the good ways. So parents should read together with children in order to form a good habit of reading for children at an early age.
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1. Cách bạn viết không phải của dạng IELTS.

2. Bạn nêu ra vấn đề của bài nhưng không ghi rõ là dạng bài gì? To what extend do you agree/ disagree hay như thế nào?


Secondary students' parents reading book can encourage their children to read more. I agree in a part with the above statement. According to me, in order to help secondary pupils read more is have a lot of ways. And that ways influence on children more from their teacher and the same age kids.

Đoạn còn lại là đủ rồi. Tuy nhiên, học cách viết Mở Bài của IELTS lại nhé.

To encourage children to read more, parents and school should... is have a lot of ways. And encourage their parents to read is one of the good ways. So parents should read together with children in order to form a good habit of reading for children at an early age.

Kết luận nêu lại câu của đề bài = câu 1.
Câu sau vô thưởng vô phạt, đừng viết dài. Không ai đi thi đủ thời gian nghĩ văn hoa lá cành 2 câu vô thưởng vô phạt cả.


I think that statement is true when saying encourage parents to read more is the best way to encourage pupils at secondary school to read more. Parents can understand children's favorite when they read together. Parents will introduce some suitable books to their child. Furthermore, Parents should form the habit of reading to their chidren by taking them to the bookstore or the library. Fathers will teach the child how to read a book. And mothers will tell a story from some book before their child go to bed. Hence, children feel that reading book will help them enhance their knowledge as well as find lots of interesting things. Moreover, children tend to imitate their parents' behavior. Holding a book to read is the best behavior for the kids to imitate. They are eager to explore what content of books. They are excited with lots of pictures which are in books. This makes kids a lot of books to read.

Câu đầu, It is widely accepted that...

The first reason is that...

Xanh tiếp, biến thành ví dụ. Nhưng đừng viết quá dài, đang nêu lý do tại sao agree, không phải nêu procedure cho bố mẹ dạy con.

Ý 2 được, 2 câu cần 1 diễn giải nữa như học behaviour từ cách đối xử với sách chả hạn.

Tất cả gạch = off topic.

Another way to encourage children to read is outside elements such as teachers and friends etc. Teachers should give them a group of presentation. This makes them read more book to prepare. Sometimes, teachers should give some small handouts with a mistery story or some short stories. Besides, when chidren readt at home about something which are in their homeworks, teachers will give a plus point or a prize to encourage them or improve thei academic achievement. This will motivate students to read more.

Vì bạn không nêu dạng đề nên không thể hiểu phải viết Đoạn 2 như thế nào luôn.

Nếu là như bạn viêt thì chắc là To what extent,...

Bạn bị lạc đề đoạn này. Giáo viên và bạn bè là động lực, nhưng tại sao lại là động lực hay họ đóng góp vào quá trình đọc như thế nào,... mới là vấn đề chính.


Rút cuộc, bạn viết một bài hướng dẫn trẻ tập đọc hay một bài phân tích vai trò của bố mẹ/ thầy cô/ bạn bè đối với việc đọc của trẻ?


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[i] Mình nhờ mọi người sữa cho mình với. Mình cám ơn nhiều! [/i]

To motivate reading among secondary school pupils, incentivizing parents to read is definitely the most useful manner. However, I believe that there are many other ideas are equally important.

On the one hand, I agree that encouraging parents to read is necessary in order to make a good habit reading for children. For example, children always have a keen fascination in everything especially the mysteries of nature or science. So, when they receive fun or extra-interesting question with regard to their preferences from their parent’s reading, they might feel curiously and will come into contact with books. Moreover, if parents take their children to libraries to borrow books, they will possibly copy them.

Nevertheless, I believe that other considerations are more important to promote pupil’s reading. Firstly, taking children on exhibitions will give children the opportunity to read books outside the classroom. Secondly, having book reading competitions will definitely make a strong determination among pupils to carry off the prizes. The more competitive environment is, the more fervent children read and the more things they will know. Finally, creating a book club at school are also extremely a good way. And if the famous writers be invited to talk to children, it will create an atmosphere which children find so appealing about reading.

In conclusion, while encouraging parent’s reading certainly encouraging pupil’s reading, I do not believe that it outweighs all other manners.

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