Experimentation and research on animal has led to advances in dedicine for mankind. However thse advance have more harm than good. To what extent do you agree this view
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It is true that animals tesing bring to majoy archiment medicine. While it can be argued that medicines and other products were dicovered form resreach on amimals , I believe that animal experimentation should not be banned, provided that improvements will be made to humanise the practice.

There are several reasons why A lot of produces and medicines perform test on animal, It save thondsand of human lives. Firstly, without animal testing, we wouldn’t have vaccines. Vaccines helped humanrity wipe out disease as smallpox, polio or rabies anymore. Secondly, use of animals in medical research believe that a certain amount of suffering on animals first can be justified if human lives are saved. By different experimental drugs into those animals, people can evaluate the effectiveness and safety of such products before offering them to humans

Despite the above arguments, I believe that The test are cruel and painful. Animals have feelings, just like humans. It’t is wrong when they die to test our products, It’s not fair to put animal’s lives at risk for humans. In addition, a substantial amount of animal research is done for cosmetics, not to find cures for diseases, so this is unnecessary. and that the lives of all creatures should be respected

In conclusion, Animals have also the right to live freely and respected, although meanwhile it is certain that suffering, scientists should use alternative methods of research.
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I really like this topic because it is connected to my work. Overall, you supported some specific examples that I really like. I am attracted by some disease names, for example.

However, you made a lot of spelling mistakes. You should focus on that. It is really important. If you make a lot of those mistakes, you wont be further 6.0.
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There are several reasons why A lot of produces and medicines perform test on animal---> câu mở đầu cứ như viết cho đề cause&effect ý. "there are several benefits offered by performing test on animals"-gợi ý của mình

để ý các thì để chia động từ nhé

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