IELTS Task 2-Foreign visitors should pay more than local visitors for cultural and international attractions. To what extent do you agree or disagree this opinion?
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Nowadays, we move in the era of globalization. Therefore, it is much easier to approach to all the beauty of sceneries on over the world. It is argued that overseas travelers should be charged more than local when they visit culture and major tourist attractions. As far as I'm concerned, I completely disagree with this opinion.

To begin with, foreign visitors would pay a large amount of money for getting in to the country where they want to visit. They not only pay for meals. Therefore, it is unfair to ask them for extra entrance fees. The visitors who have always been tired at work and expect to find a wonderful holiday, but the extra fees will probably lessen their excitement.

Moreover, this differential pricing work as a deterrent for people from underdeveloped and developing countries who could have visited tourist attractions in foreign countries. For example, a Vietnamese family who are always dying to experience a certain historical and cultural jewels, but missed out due to the combination of high price and unfavorable exchange rate.

Finally, these wonderful attractions are treasure heritage of all mankind. In particular, every culture and history is totally created by human being. Needless to say, both foreign and native visitors do have a right to take advantage of an ancient temple or participate in an old traditional festival with equality in their pay.

To sum up, there is an argument that people from other nations have to pay more than locals for cultural and historical attractions. However, I'm of the opinion that they would be treated equally and pay amount of price like other indigenous people.

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bài của bạn rất tốt ,biết cách dùng nhiều từ mới để làm sáng ,điểm nhấn cho bài của bạn , bố cục rõ ràng . nhưng cũng có một số lỗi như sau :

on over the world ----> all over the world 

local -----> the local or local people

they not only pay for the meal : ý cau quá cụt ngủn

human being --------> human beings 

both foreign and native visitors do have a right to take advantage of an ancient temple or participate in an old traditional festival with equality in their pay.--------> lỗi diễn đạt 

locals --------> the local 

 for cultural and historical attractions. ----------> for visiting cutural and ..

hạn chế lặp từ và có thể chuyển các từ chỉ người sang một số dạng khác 

như : old people ----------> the old , the young ....


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