task1: the tables show the average number of students taught by each lecturer in Australian universities from 1991 to 2007.
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the tables give a breakdown of how many average students were under the instruction of each professor in Australian universities between 1991 and 2007 and compare it according to two fields (lecture-based and laboratory) in 2001.


Overall,  the average number of students grew gradually every four years. It is noticeable that the figure for lecture-based was higher than that in laboratory-based in 2001.


The year 1991 witnessed around 12.3 undergraduates taught by each teacher. After which it saw a progressive increase throughout the years (14.4, 17.1 and 19.8 students in 1995, 1999 and 2003 respectively ). At the end of the period, 2007, there were around 21.6 students instructed by each instructor, higher over 1.5 times than that in 1991.  


In terms of fields shown, lecture-based teachers taught more students than laboratory-based teachers in 2001. Within the lecture-based, law lecturer had the highest number of students, 28.5 individuals. 22.5 undergraduates attending education class is the smallest figure in this field . The other is generally under 20 students, most of them joined chemistry lesson and contrast trend in science lesson (17.5 and 14.0 students respectively)

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