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Some people believe that it is best to accept a bad situation, such as an unsatisfactory job or shortage of money. Others argue that it is better to try and improve such situations. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


It is undeniable that everything is not under our control all the times, which make some people accept that surrendering adversities is the best choice rather than facing them. Other people, conversely, concur that making efforts to find out escapes helps us to achieve many surprising successes ahead. When admitting some obvious reasons, I firmly subscribe to the later view.

On the on hand, several reasons seem to be persuasive that it is risky if we combat an adverse situation due to some serious drawbacks we may have. Indeed, virtually everyone could encounter an unforeseen circumstance that is out of our control. For instance, when facing with the insufficiency of money, getting stuck in tough conditions or similar businesses against our expectations, certain consequences can be taken via the agency of inappropriately solutions.

In addition, an evidence suggests that making robberies to make money, generating conflicts with other members of our family or even giving up our work-life balance to focus on finding out the ways to escape are all terrible to most of us.

On the other hand, tenacity and to keep being optimistic in any bad circumstances can definitely far outweigh surrendering them. Due to trying to externalize positive attitude, it is easier for us to set a profound impact on our mental and will. This can optimistically boost us to challenge ourselves rather than immersing in anxiety and hopelessness.

Furthermore, when seeking for suitable solutions, we are able to meet the chance to broaden out limits and open the doors to new horizons. By way of illustration, we could apply these valuable experiences in our life to keep us being confident even in the worst conditions coming ahead.

To summary, while it is conspicuous that accepting adversities in life is necessary, it is true that we should find the ways to resolve unexpected problems in lieu of demoralizing them.

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vẫn còn sai ngữ pháp cơ bản

k có từ vựng nâng cao

cấu trúc đơn giản

k có nhiều câu phức
times-> time

make -> makes
facing is unecessary with
inapropriately -> inapropriate ( để xđ danh từ solutions)
an evidence  bỏ an ,k dung an trong danh từ chưa xác định k đếm được

positive attitude thêm mạo từ a để hình thành cụm danh từ
broaden k cần out vì bản thân nó đã xác định bao hàm luôn cả từ out rồi

the ways -> ways k cần mạo từ
are able to -> can,k dùng từ rườm rà mà ít có giá trị
in lieu of ->instead of
can definitetly bỏ definitetly,k đúng
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