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Below is a chart showing how many hours per week the average person spent on various kinds of media, including watching TV, surfing on the Internet, listening to the radio, and reading printed material. The years covered are from 1990 to 2005.

The graph provides information about how many average hours that people used to enjoy in a variety media sources between 1990 to 2005. 
Overall, it can clearly be seen from the line graph that there was an increase in the number of hours using Internet and radio, whereas hours spent on television and printed material decreased significantly over the time period shown.
Looking at the spending on Internet for more details, it is evident that Internet using started at 0 hours. This figure remained unchanged and rose slightly to 1 hours in 1995. From 1995 until the end of the period, the average number of hours which people spent on Internet went up gradually to approximately 15 hours. Next, the average hours using radio stood at about 4 hours in 1990, fluctuated around 4 hours in the period of 10 years and experienced 5 hours in 2005.
Turning to the amount of time that people wasted on television, it can be seen that reached a peak of 25 hours, which was the highest point on the chart. Subsequently, this figure dropped gradually to about 17 hours in 2005. In 1990, people spent 6 hours on reading printed material. 5 years later, the average number of hours went down under 5 hours in 2000. From 200 until 2005, this figure continued falling to 3 hours.
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The graph provides information about how many average hours that people used to enjoy in a variety (+of) media sources between 1990 to 2005. 
Overall, it can clearly be seen from the line graph that there was an increase in the number of hours using (+the) Internet and radio, whereas hours spent on television and printed material decreased significantly over the time period shown.
Looking at the spending on (+the) Internet for more details, it is evident that Internet using started at 0 hours. This figure remained unchanged and rose slightly to 1 hours in 1995. From 1995 until the end of the period, the average number of hours which people spent on +the  Internet went up gradually to approximately 15 hours. Next, the average hours using radio stood at about 4 hours in 1990, fluctuated around 4 hours in the period of 10 years and experienced 5 hours in 2005.
Turning to the amount of time that people wasted on television, it can be seen that reached a peak of 25 hours, which was the highest point on the chart. Subsequently, this figure dropped gradually to about 17 hours in 2005. In 1990, people spent 6 hours on reading printed material. 5 years later, the average number of hours went down under 5 hours in 2000. From 200 until 2005, this figure continued falling to 3 hours.
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