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The bar chart describes the data of people who living in the Canada from 3 difference regions visited the difference places, including the cinema, theater, library and zoo. Unit is measured in percentage.
Overall, the percentage of people who were born Canada and English-speaking visited those places significantly higher than that were born in other countries. Among 4 places, the proposition of people living in other countries visited the theater was lowest.
Starting at the data of people who was born Canada, among 4 places, cinema was the highest, standing at 70%, flow by the library was as nearly similar as the zoo, was 35% and 40%respectively.
Turning the people who was born in English-speaking countries, the amount of data which visiting to the cinema was 65%, this significantly higher than that visiting to the 3 other ones. The figure for people visiting to the zoo was 50%, whereas the data for the library and theater were 40%, 25% respectively. The people who were born in other countries prefer to do visit to the library, was 50%, slightly higher than the 3 other items, namely theater, cinema and zoo, which was 50%, 10% and 35% respectively.
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Mình chỉ chấm được lỗi ngữ pháp cho pạn thôi nhé. 

The bar chart describes the data of people who living -> live in the Canada from 3 difference diferent regions visited the difference different places, including the cinema, theater, library and zoo. Unit is measured in percentage.
Overall, the percentage of people who were born + in  Canada and English-speaking ??? visited those places significantly higher than that were born in other countries. Among 4 places, the proposition of people living in other countries visited the theater was lowest.
Starting at the data of people who was  were born +in  Canada, among 4 places, cinema was the highest, standing at 70%, flow by the library was as nearly similar as the zoo, was 35% and 40%respectively.
Turning the people who was were born in English-speaking countries, the amount of data which visiting to the cinema was 65%, this significantly higher than that visiting to the 3 other ones. The figure for people visiting to the zoo was 50%, whereas the data for the library and theater were 40%, 25% respectively. The people who were born in other countries prefer to do visit to the library, was 50%, slightly higher than the 3 other items, namely theater, cinema and zoo, which was 50%, 10% and 35% respectively.

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