The chart below shows the movement of people from rural to urban areas in three countries and predictions for future years.
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The line chart illustrates the number of people migrating from the countryside to the city in three different countries between 2000 and 2025, a period of 25 years.

Overall, the residents who moved from rural communities to metropolitan show an upward trend. It is expected that Iran will experience the most dramatic increase while Indonesia will remain stable from 2020.

As can be seen in the illustration, starting at approximately 15 million in 2000, Russia grew significantly to nearly 45 million after 10 years. This trend is predicted to continue reaching 80 million in 2020. Indonesia will display considerable growth till 2025 to around 80 million. Meanwhile, Iran shows a similar pattern to see a rise at 50 million in 2015. After that, Iran escalated rapidly and overtook Russia in 2020 and it is forecasted to be the highest number of people will migrate to an urban area in 2025.

In contrast, Indonesia started with the second migrants to around 10 million. The statistics experienced a steady rise in the period from 2000 to 2020. It is projected to level off the remaining years and reach a peak at 30 million.
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The line chart illustrates the number of people migrating from the countryside to the city in three different countries between 2000 and 2025, a period of 25 years.

Overall, the residents who moved from rural communities to metropolitan areas show an upward trend. It is expected that Iran will experience the most dramatic increase while Indonesia will remain stable from 2020.

As can be seen in the illustration, starting at approximately 15 million in 2000, Russia grew significantly to nearly 45 million after 10 years. This trend is predicted to continue, reaching 80 million in 2020. Indonesia will display considerable growth by 2025 to around 80 million. Meanwhile, Iran shows a similar pattern to see a rise at 50 million in 2015. After that, Iran escalated rapidly and overtook Russia in 2020 and it is forecasted to be the highest number of people will migrate to an urban area in 2025.

In contrast, Indonesia started with the second migrants of around 10 million. The statistics experienced a steady rise in the period from 2000 to 2020. It is expected to leave off in the coming years and peak at 30 million.

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