Topic: Young people who commit crimes should be treated in the same as adults. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion.
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It is argued that young offenders should be held accountable for their guilt as adults. Personally, I agree that adolescents should receive the punishments the same as adults if they commit serious crimes. However, in case of committing minor offends, there should be appropriate punishments for teenagers.


On the one hand, juveniles who commit serious crimes such as murder or rape should be punished as they deserve. If those juvenile delinquents are easily pardoned instead of receiving penalty at the same level as adults, they will not be aware of the seriousness of their misdeeds and continue to re-offend in the future. Moreover, it is an injustice for victims because the juvenile offenders do not need to receive appropriate sentences for their guilt because of their age. For example, there was a well-known case in Vietnam that a teenager murdered all his family members deliberately and escaped the death sentence due to being a few months under the responsible age of 18. 


On the other hand, in case juveniles who commit minor crimes should be judged in proper punishments. They are not mature enough and do not have sufficient intellectual and moral to understand the outcomes of their illegal activities, so they lack the necessary condition to be defendants as grown-up people. In addition, if the community gives young offenders a second chance, they might draw lessons from their sins in the past and rehabilitate to be a better version of them in the future. 


In conclusion, levels of punishments for adolescents depends on the responsible age and the nature of their guilt

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It is argued that young offenders should be held accountable for their guilt as adults. Personally, I agree that adolescents should receive the  (không dùng the ở đây) punishments the same as adults if they commit serious crimes. However, in case of committing minor offends, there should be appropriate punishments for teenagers.


On the one hand, juveniles who commit serious crimes such as murder or à and rape (sau such as là dạng liệt kê nên phải dùng and ở đây) should be punished as they deserve. If those juvenile delinquents -->  delinquent juveniles are easily pardoned instead of receiving penalty at the same level as adults, they will not be aware of the seriousness of their misdeeds and continue to re-offend in the future. Moreover, it is an injustice for victims because the juvenile offenders do not need to receive appropriate sentences for their guilt because of their age. For example, there was a well-known case in Vietnam that a teenager murdered all his family members deliberately and escaped the death sentence due to being a few months under the responsible age of 18. 


On the other hand, in case juveniles who commit minor crimes should be judged in proper punishments. They are not mature enough and do not have sufficient intellectual and moral to understand the outcomes of their illegal activities, so they lack the necessary condition to be defendants as grown-up people. In addition, if the community gives young offenders a second chance, they might draw lessons from their sins in the past and rehabilitate to be a better version of them in the future. 


In conclusion, levels of punishments for adolescents depends on the responsible age and the nature of their guilt.


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