In many countries around the world, life expectancy is increasing. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this situation and give your own opinion.
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Our development nowadays has generated a trend that longevity is rising in different nations. This essay will discuss both pros and cons of this increase and give my point of view about it.

On the one hand, this trend brings many advantages for us. To begin with, the labor source will receive many benefits as people live longer. Moreover, thanks to the modern medical heathcare, employers could create high productivity even when they are over 60 years old or more than the retired age. Secondly, another benefit of living longer is that people would be happier. After a long and continous period of studying and working, the elderly have an opportunity to enjoy their life by their own way, which might be traveling around the world or taking care theirs grandchildren. It is undeniable that not many people in former days could do that.

On the other hand, the increasing life expectancy also causes disadvantage. This improvement is probably putting the community under a high pressure. As the life expectancy is increasing, the number of deaths is outweighed by the birth one. This can generally lead to the overpopulation whereas national ability cannot meet the citizen’s demand in some cases. For instance, the hospital facility would be overloaded when the most of resident in a neighborhood is affected by a contagious disease like Covid-19.

In conclusion, the rising life expectation give us both advantages and disadvantages so we need to find a solution to minize bad consequences as well as maximize benefits from it.
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Our The development of modern society created in a leap in nowadays has generated a trend that human's longevity is rising  in of different nations. This essay will discuss both pros and cons of this increase and give my point of view about it.

On the one hand, this trend brings many advantages for us brings us several advantages/is advantageous for various reasons. To begin with, the labor source will receive many benefits as people live longer  better longevity will exponentially grow the size of the labor force. Moreover, thanks to the modern medical medicines and heathcare, employers employees could create high maintain productivity at work even when they are over 60 years old or more than reaching the retired age. Secondly, another benefit of living longer is that people would be happier. After a long and continous period of studying and working, the elderly/seniors have an opportunity to enjoy their life by in their own way, which might be traveling around the world or taking care of theirs grandchildren. It is undeniable that not many people in former days could do that back in the old days.

On the other hand, the increasing life expectancy also causes disadvantage have many downsides. This improvement is probably putting the community under a high pressure. As the life expectancy is increasing, the number of deaths is outweighed by the birth one  birth rate. This can generally lead to the overpopulation whereas national ability government's policies cannot meet the citizen’s demand in some cases. For instance, the hospital facility  under-developed medical facilities would be overloaded in some local areas when the most of resident in a neighborhood a large number of people is affected by a contagious disease like Covid-19 at the same time.

In conclusion, the rising/increasing longevity life expectation gives brings us both advantages and disadvantages, so we need to find a solution to minize bad consequences the potential risks as well as maximize the benefits from it.

8 points

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increasing... has

the number.... that of the birth rate

whereas => while

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