Task 2: criminals have a low level of education. the best way to reduce crime levels is to educate people in prisons.Agree or disagree with this opinion?
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Some researches show that criminals result from lack of education. Many people are convinced that training prisoners is one of the best way that helps decrease the rate of criminals because ex-prisoners would stand a chance to earn their living later. From my point of view, I completely agree with this opinion.

The main reason is that education could provide offenders the working skills that would help them to secure their stable income when they return to community. To clarify, in recent years, there are number of criminals, who are in their twenties, so training soft skills in prison play an pivotal role. In these ages, juvenile prisoners need educating about soft skill and training in a particular job that foster them  to aware of right things, thereby  looking before they leap and become good citizens later. Further mone, these ex-criminals’ stories in prison will effect adolescents’ awareness, as a result, they will make out the dangers of crimes and avoid them.

Another factor worth mentioning is that education could show offenders that they are still appreciated by society. By this way, they would feel enhanced sense of humanity and become good citizens later. In recent statistics, Ministry of Public Security gives that 40% ex-criminals become good city-dwellers and always try their best in order to contribute to our publicity by pursuing some jobs namely jobs related- security, workers, farmers. Moreover, they also share each other in society their experience in prison to live without crime.

In short, I complete support the idea that  prisoners should be learned about vocational course in order to get  jobs after their prison. This action can help to decrease the rate of came in publicity.
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Some researches show that criminals result from lack of education. Many people are convinced that training prisoners is one of the best way that helps decrease the offending rates  because ex-prisoners would stand a chance to earn their living later. From my point of view, I completely agree with this opinion.

The main reason is that education could provide offenders the working skills that would help them to secure their stable income when they reintegrate into society. In recent years, there are growing number of criminals who are in their twenties and that's why training soft skills in prison play an pivotal role. To clarify, in these ages, juvenile prisoners need educating about soft skills and vocational trainings that foster them to be aware of right things which would give them chances of rehabilitation and becoming useful members of society. Further mone, these preceding stories in prison will affect adolescents’ awareness, as a result, they will make out the dangers of crimes and avoid them.(câu cuối mình không hiểu ý của b lắm)

Another factor worth mentioning is that education could show offenders that they are still appreciated by society. By this way, they would feel an enhanced sense of humanity and become good citizens when released back into society. In recent statistics, Ministry of Public Security gives that 40% ex-criminals become good city-dwellers and always try their best in order to contribute to our publicity by pursuing some jobs namely jobs related- security, workers, farmers. Moreover, they also share each other in society their experiences in prison to live without crime.(câu cuối mình chưa hiểu ý b)

In short, I completely support the idea that prisoners should be given opportunities to be trained in vocational courses in order to get jobs after serving jail time. This action can prevent people from embarking on a life a crime.

ps: Mình chỉ góp ý những collo về chủ đề Crime mà mình biết thôi. Your essay is so good.

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