Bài test IELTS Task 2 ngày 07.09.2013 - Some people think that nuclear energy is better than other sources of power for meeting ever-increasing global needs. To what extent do you agree?
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Nuclear energy is thought to be the best solution to the increasing energy demand. In my opinion, I agree that nuclear energy is better than other sources despite its meltdown risk and limited sources.

There are several reasons why people believe that other energy sources such as renewable energy and fossil fuels are better than nuclear energy. The main point for this argument is that nuclear energy, if not done right, might lead to unpredictable accidents. Take the Chernobyl steam explosion as a concrete example, improper management of the plant operators has caused severe nuclear contamination exposing the whole area, leading to radiation poisoning of entire ecosystems nearby. Furthermore, fission fuels such as Uranium and Thorium are limited energy resources which are predicted to be depleted in the foreseeable future while renewable energy derived from resources that are replenished naturally. The reliance on such sources may lead to an energy crisis in the future.


On the other hand, I firmly believe that nuclear energy is still our best option when it comes to tackling climate change and energy demands. Firstly, fossil fuels discharge carbon dioxide, which is the main greenhouse gases contributing to global warming and climate change throughout the world. Unlike conventional energy, nuclear energy is zero-emission as it splits atoms instead of burning hydrocarbon. Moreover, nuclear fuel is extremely dense and despite producing a massive amount of carbon-free energy, the land footprint of nuclear energy is considerably lower compared to that of other energy sources. Such efficient land use, therefore, would prevent possible deforestation and pave the way for economical venues. 

In conclusion, I suppose that nuclear energy is superior to other power sources in response to global energy needs and climate change.

(285 từ)

P/s: Bạn nào đó chấm bài này giúp mình nhé. Chúc một ngày tốt lành ^ ^
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Nuclear energy is thought to be the best solution to the increasing energy demand. In my opinion, I agree that nuclear POWER is better than other ENERGY sources despite its meltdown risk and limited RESOURCES.

There are several reasons why people believe that other energy sources such as renewable energy and fossil fuels are better than nuclear energy. The main point OF this argument is that nuclear energy, if not done right, might lead to unpredictable accidents. Take the Chernobyl steam explosion as a concrete example, improper management of the plant operators has caused severe nuclear contamination exposing the whole area, leading to radiation poisoning of entire ecosystems nearby. Furthermore, fission fuels such as Uranium and Thorium are limited energy resources which are predicted to be depleted in the foreseeable future while renewable energy DERIVE from resources that are replenished naturally. The reliance on such RESOURCES may lead to an energy crisis in the future.


On the other hand, I firmly believe that nuclear energy is still our best option when it comes to TACKLE climate change and energy demands. Firstly, fossil fuels discharge carbon dioxide, which is the main greenhouse GAS contributing to global warming and climate change throughout the world. Unlike conventional energy, nuclear energy is zero-emission as it splits atoms instead of burning hydrocarbon. Moreover, nuclear fuel is extremely dense and despite producing a massive amount of carbon-free energy, the land footprint of nuclear energy is considerably lower compared to that of other energy sources. Such efficient land use, therefore, would prevent possible deforestation and pave the way for economical venues. 


In conclusion, I suppose that nuclear energy is superior to other power sources in response to global energy needs and climate change.


*Phần in hoa là phần mình sửa nha

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