some peopel think that nuclear energy is better than other source of power for meeting increasing global needs. to what extent do you agree?
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As the pace of industrial revolution development, the recent years have witnessed a significant growth in energy demands. there is a variety of energy forms found in nature as well as generated by human beings. Among of them,nuclear energy is thought to be better than the others. Personally, I completely agree with this idea.

       It is an undeniable fact that nuclear energy is a potential power because of its benefits. in fact,the issue of running out natural energy is a challenge to gorvernment throughout the world, so alternative sourcce of power research is very important. nuclear power can be used to produce electricity without wasting natural resources. Furthemore,the enormous potential of nuclear power has brought a possibility to meet the electricity needs for a large local area with a nuclear energy station. in addition,this is a clean energy which has a certain contribution to protect the global from warming.

      Moreover,some difficulties in processing of applying nuclear power are able to control to promote its advantages. As a matter of fact, building a nuclear power station typically takes a high cost,however, this can be accepted beacause it has brought a massive economic value in long- term. Another concern lies in nuclear accidents which rarely ocurred. By rigorous nuclear safety covering the actions taken that can prevent these accidents or limit their consequences.

     In conclusion,with the above analysis,nuclear energy has some dramatical positive impact on supporting power along with protecting our enviroment. the possibility of resolving some difficulties in popularizing nuclear energy is so obvious. therefore, I am convinced that developing this kind of energy is superior to other power sources.
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As the pace of industrial revolution development,recent years,_____ ( the world /…) have witnessed a significant growth in energy demands. there is a variety of energy forms found in nature as well as generated by human beings A variety of energy forms were found in nature as well as generated by human beings. Among of them, nuclear energy is thought to be better than the others ( the best). Personally, I completely agree with this idea. Nên gộp hai câu này lại luôn

       It is an undeniable fact that nuclear energy is a potential power because of its benefits. in fact, the issue of running out ( theo mình thì running out of đúng hơn )natural energy is a challenge to gorvernment throughout the world, so alternative sourcce of power research is very important. nuclear power can be used to produce electricity without wasting natural resources. Furthemore,the enormous potential of nuclear power has brought a possibility to meet the electricity needs for a large local area with a nuclear energy station. in addition,this is a clean energy which has a certain contribution to protect the global from warming.

      Moreover, some difficulties in processing of applying nuclear power are able to control are under controlled to promote its advantages. As a matter of fact, building a nuclear power station typically takes a high cost, however, this can be accepted beacause it has brought a massive economic value in long- term. Another concern lies in nuclear accidents which rarely ocurred( chỗ này bạn sử dụng relative clause mình cứ thấy câu nó cụt cụt, ý kiến riêng)Many people concern about accidents throughout production process, but it is believed that those situations rarely occur. By rigorous nuclear safety covering the actions taken that can prevent these accidents or limit their consequences.

     In conclusion, with the above analysis, nuclear energy has some dramatical positive impact on supporting power along with protecting our enviroment. the possibility of resolving some difficulties in popularizing nuclear energy is so obvious. therefore, I am convinced that developing this kind of energy is superior to other power sources.

P/s: bạn có nhiều ý tưởng, từ vựng dùng rất tốt nhưng cách diễn đạt hơi khó hiểu, bạn nên tìm nhiều cấu trúc hơn thay vì relative clause. Chú ý chính tả. Mong bạn sẽ tiến bộ nhanh ( mình cũng đang mong vậy :D)

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As the pace of industrial revolution development, the recent years have witnessed a significant growth in energy demands. There is a variety of energy forms found in nature as well as generated by human beings. Among of them,nuclear energy is thought to be better than the others. Personally, I completely agree with this idea.

there is a variety of energy forms found in nature as well as generated by human beings. 

Câu này diễn đạt không ổn lắm.

It is an undeniable fact that nuclear energy is a potential power because of its benefits. in fact,the issue of running out natural energy is a challenge to gorvernments throughout the world, so alternative sourcces of power research are is very important. nuclear power can be used to produce (có thể thay bằng generate) electricity without wasting natural resources. Furthemore,the enormous potential of nuclear power has brought a possibility to meet the electricity needs for a large local area with a nuclear energy station. in addition,this is a clean energy (cụm này nên thay bằng a form of energy, a source of energy) which has a certain contribution to protect the global from warming.

Moreover,some difficulties in processing of applying nuclear power are able to control to promote its advantages. As a matter of fact, building a nuclear power station typically takes a high cost,however, this can be accepted beacause it has brought a massive economic value in long- term. Another concern lies in nuclear accidents which rarely ocurred. By rigorous nuclear safety covering the actions taken that can prevent these accidents or limit their consequences.

Takes a high cost on / to / for ( ví dụ: takes a high cost on government budget )

a massive economic value in long- term ( cụm này nên diễn đạt lại, bạn xem các collocations đi với value)





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