In the past, people spent their entire lives doing one job. But nowadays, they change their job frequently. Give the reasons and your suggestion
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Choosing career is an important event to anybody in any time. Nowadays, employees change their job frequently while workers in the past spent their lives for doing just one job. There are many causes to explain this phenomenon and will point out recommendations to this one.

Before the global economic booming, workers intend to be loyalty to one job in one factory for their whole lives. As the number of enterprises was very small, affected by trading closed policy from many nations, employees had slice chance to decide which job they could do. Additionally, people population has significantly increasing while the few operated companies leads to the high rate unemployment. Because of weaken economy, business lines are very limited, there are unimaginable for doing IT job, online marketing, etc. And one vital reason explaining this is the traditional culture like Asian people which always concentrate on stable life, not adventuring to experience new feeling or conception.

Together with the boosting of global trading, high-tech, artificial intelligence, people in new era are very energetic and positive. They are focusing on new experience, challenges more than working for only one corporate. These days, youngsters marry very late without financial pressure, so they spare more time to enjoy their life such as hopping their job once a year or even twice. Some graduates blind with their passion, get difficulty to make decision of their work and choosing many jobs to do is their best option.

Working for one company or job hopping depends on many factors. However, the more important in choosing their job is how they feel about that and their compassion to enjoy that career. The fact also proves that many people get success when they really pay attention to one passion, their current job and some workers must endure handful of employments before finding out their love work.

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2 Answers

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Choosing a career is an important event for anybody at any time. Nowadays, employees change their job frequently while workers in the past spent their lives for doing just one job. There are many causes to explain this phenomenon and will point out recommendations to this one.

Before the global economy booming, workers intend to be loyal to one job in one factory for their whole lives. As the number of enterprises was very small, affected by trading closed policy from many nations, employees had a slice chance to decide which job they could do. Additionally, the people population has significantly increased while the few operated companies lead to a high rate of unemployment. Because of the weakening economy, business lines are very limited, there are unimaginable for doing IT jobs, online marketing, etc. And one vital reason explaining this is the traditional culture like Asian people who always concentrate on a stable life, not adventuring to experience new feelings or conception.

Together with the boosting of global trading, high-tech, artificial intelligence, people in the new era are very energetic and positive. They are focusing on new experiences, challenges more than working for only one corporate. These days, youngsters marry very late without financial pressure, so they spare more time to enjoy their life such as hopping their job once a year or even twice. Some graduates blind with their passion, get difficulty deciding on their work, and choosing many jobs to do is their best option.

Working for one company or job-hopping depends on many factors. However, the more important in choosing their job is how they feel about that and their compassion to enjoy that career. The fact also proves that many people get success when they pay attention to one passion, their current job, and some workers must endure a handful of employments before finding out their love work.

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