Task 2: 1.Young people should spend more time on cultural activities such as music and theatre and less time on sport. How far do you agree with this statement?
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In recent years, there has been a growing concern about whether the youngsters are supposed to concentrate more on cultural or sports activities. While some opponents prefer spending more time on cultural activities, I personally subscribe to the view that sport is much more important and therefore should be more involved in by young people.

To some extent, there is no doubt that cultural activities can be both entertaining and educational to the youths. In terms of entertainment, it is obvious that participating in musical or theatre performances could help the youngsters to chill, unwind and even let their hair down after hard-work. Regarding educational aspect, thanks to taking part in the cultural festival or performances related to culture, for example, young people are capable of enlarge their knowledge about customs, conventions or beliefs of that culture. To take Opera show as an example, it is apparent that youngsters who go to that kind of show can not only listen and watch the Opera but also know more about the masterpiece behind that.

On the other hand, I believe that sport participation can bring the youths a wider range of benefits which could positively impact not only their physical but also mental health. Indeed, those who play more sports are able to keep fit and stay lean. They seem to be much stronger, more active and energetic and get fewer diseases than those who are passive. In addition to this, improving mental health is another vital advantage of playing sports. For sports lovers, benefits vary from relaxing and releasing stress to having chances to make friends and socialize or even gain more soft skills such as communication and teamwork skills through those physical activities.

In a nutshell, I support the view of concentrating more on sports than cultural activities due to their two aforementioned advantages/merits.
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In recent years, there has been a growing concern about  (an increasing problem) whether the youngsters are supposed to concentrate more on cultural or sports activities. While some opponents prefer spending more time on cultural activities, I personally subscribe to the view that sport is much more important and therefore should be more involved in by young people.

To some extent, there is no doubt that cultural activities can be both entertaining and educational to the youths. In terms of entertainment, it is obvious that participating in musical or theatre performances could help the youngsters to chill,(informal) unwind and even let their hair down (informal) after hard-work. Regarding educational aspect, thanks to taking part in the cultural festival or performances related to culture, for example, young people are capable of enlarge (enlarging) their knowledge about customs, conventions or beliefs of that culture. To take Opera show as an example, it is apparent that youngsters who go to that kind of show can not only listen and watch the Opera but also know more about the masterpiece behind that.

On the other hand, I believe that sport participation can bring the youths a wider range of benefits which could positively impact not only on their physical but also on mental health. Indeed, those who play more sports are able to keep fit and stay lean (informal)This means that they are seem to be much stronger, more active and energetic and are more likely to get fewer diseases than those who are passive. In addition to this, improving mental health is another vital advantage of playing sports. For sports lovers, benefits vary from relaxing and releasing stress to having chances to make friends and socialize or even gain (gaining) more soft skills such as communication and teamwork skills through those physical activities.

In a nutshell, (In conclusion) I support the view of concentrating more on sports than cultural activities due to their (the) two aforementioned advantages/merits.

43 points

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