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Nowadays, there are many ways to get information such as watching TV, searching on the Internet….. but I think reading books is the best way to gather information.

  Firstly, reading books helps us to acquire more knowledge. Searching and acquiring humanity’s knowledge is never redundant. The more books you read, the better equipped you are, and this knowledge you get can be useful in the future. Secondly, reading books helps you expand your vocabulary. Although you are an indigenous person, i’m sure that you can’t understand the meaning of all vocabulary of your country because it is very diverse. In language, many words are written differently but they have the same meanings. However, the usages of those words are different, they are used depend on various situations, it can be formal or normal. Therefore, if you usually read books, you’ll get an abundance of vocabulary and you won’t find it difficult when seeing those words.

Also, widening your vocabulary can make your writing skills better. Besides that, it helps you reduce stress. When you have a tiring day, instead of playing games, watching TV, you can read some romantic or humor books, it’ll help you feel more comfortable. Last but not least, reading books helps you improve concentration and patient. When you read a good book, all of your attention is focused on the story. This thing will increase your ability to concentrate and perseverance you can’t even know.

  Here, there are just some advantages of reading books, it brings more benefits than you think. If you want to change your life, read the book.

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Nowadays, there are many ways to get information such as watching TV, searching on the Internet….. but I think reading books are the best way to gather information.

  Firstly, reading books helps us to acquire more knowledge. Searching and acquiring humanity’s knowledge is have been never redundant. The more books you read, the better equipped you are, and this knowledge you get can be useful in the future. Secondly, reading books helps you expand your vocabulary. Although you are an indigenous person, i’m sure that you can’t understand the meaning of all vocabulary of your country because it is very diverse. In language, many words are written differently but they have the same meanings. However, the usages of those words are different, they are used depends on various situations, it can be formal or normal. Therefore, if you usually read books, you’ll get an abundance of vocabulary and you won’t find it difficult when seeing those words.

Also, widening your vocabulary can make your writing skills better. Besides that, it helps you reduce stress. When you have a tiring day, instead of playing games, watching TV, you can read some romantic or humor books, it’ll help you feel more comfortable. Last but not least, reading books helps you improve concentration and patient. When you read a good book, all of your attention is focused on the story. This thing will increase your ability to concentrate and perseverance you can’t even know.

  Here, there are just some advantages of reading books, it brings more benefits than you think. If you want to change your life, read the book.

355 points

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