Spoken communication is more powerful than written communication. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Write at least 250 words
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There is a claim that oral communication is more effectie than writing communication. In my opinion, deciding which one is more powerful than the other depends on certain circumstances.

When it comes to situation requires facial expression and body language, verbal communication is the most suitable. Dating is the common example for using it. Sending messages, images or lovely icons have no value, they can never replace real smiles or different expression in a dinner date. We can not guess how reliabe he or she is just through reading some written text. Another good thing is that talking in person is extremly useful to have a better understanding of the person we are communicating with.  A face – to – face conversation helps us know more about people such as the friendliness, their personality and the way they express themselves with the person they have a crush on.

However, I think written communication is the best choice in terms of journalism,  law and business. As the outbreak of coronavirus is spreading all over the world, jouralism and social media play an important role to raise awareness of people. Governments always send message to each citizens to protect ourselves from this epicdemic. To use another common of this practice, in court, oral words will be worthless if we do not have valid evidences such as written documents to support our arguments. Speaking of  business, it would be much quicker, more time-saving and more convenient to send emails to a group of targeted customer about promotion and sales rather than meeting and talking with each of them

In conclusion, as I have metioned above, it seems to me that unwritten or written communications has its own benefits. What we are making efforts to do is that using it correctly to boost our career and set up good relationships through diverse communication
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There is a claim that oral communication is more EFFECTIVE than writing communication. In my opinion, deciding which one is more powerful than the other depends on certain circumstances.

When it comes to situation REQUIRING facial expression and body language, verbal communication is the most suitable. Dating is A common example for using it. Sending messages, images or lovely icons have no value BECAUSE they can never replace real smiles or different expression in a dinner date. We can not guess how reliabe he or she is just through reading some written text. Another BENEFIT is that talking in person is extremly useful to have a better understanding of the person we are communicating with.  A face – to – face conversation helps us know more about people such as THEIR friendliness, personality and the way they express themselves with the person they have a crush on.

However, I think written communication is the best choice in terms of journalism,  law and business. As the outbreak of coronavirus is spreading all over the world, jouralism and social media play an important role to raise awareness of people. Governments always send message to each CITIZEN to protect THEMSELVES from this EPIDEMIC. To use another common of this practice, In court, oral words will be worthless if we do not have valid EVIDENCE (DANH TỪ KHÔNG ĐẾM ĐƯỢC) such as written documents to support our arguments. Speaking of  business, it would be much quicker, more time-saving and more convenient to send emails to a group of targeted CUSTOMERS about PROMOTIONS and sales rather than meeting and talking with each of them

In conclusion, as I have metioned above, it seems to me that EITHER unwritten or written COMMUNICATION has its own benefits. What we are making efforts to do is that using it correctly to boost our career and set up good relationships through diverse communication.


*phần in hoa là mình sửa nhé. Lỗi sai của bạn khá ít, có một số chỗ sửa từ bài mẫu IELTS nhưng không nhiều, đôi khi còn sửa sai hắn luôn. Nhưng đó chỉ là góp ý của mình thôi nhé.

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