Government investment in the arts, such as music and theatre, is a waste of money. Governments must invest this money in public services instead. To what extent do you agree with this statement?
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There are two main schools of thought when it comes to the allocation of government fund. On one side of the spectrum, it is believed that we shouldn't invest government grants in arts to reserve for other necessities, such as healthcare or education. The other side endorse government endowment fund for preserving and developing the Arts. I believe that while public services are essential and must receive heavy investment, me must also aportion our fund judiciously to the aesthetic sector.

On the one side, government subsidy should be distributed primarily to the most essential sectors to assure the general welfare of its citizens and yield economic growth. Arguably, before people can seek recreation, they must prioritise their necessities of life. A person fundamentally need good physical and mental health with a secured job ensured by good education.  Therefore, the lion's share of fund should go into these sectors, thereby providing the citizens with a desirable life. To exemplify, when the healthcare system is well-operated, the people will be fitter and stronge. In turns, life satisfaction and longevity will dramtically improve. Furthermore, the public services can yield robust economic growth if invested wisely. The funding of government entities can be used to boost the development of public enterprises. For example, hospitals in Cuba which provide top-notch treatment and solicitous medical care,  attract both domestic and foreign patients. This have considerably contributed to the yearl revenue of the country as a whole.

On the other hand, the aesthetic business shouldn't be completely neglected in terms of financial support. Arts are inseperable parts of human's spiritual life. While healthcare may improve the physical health, arts are the sovereign remedy for the mind. After a day's exertion, people will go back to wallow in some music, or pass the time watching television to totally relax themselves. These recreational activites have a restorative effect, preparing people for their daily struggle. Therefore, Arts should be given attention and subsidy just as much as other sectors. Besides, by preserving the arts, the goverment is also preserving the core cultural values. The uniqueness of each country lies in its traditional art. To exemplify, Quan Ho, Cheo,... are national heritages in music while Dong Ho paintings are characteristic of Vietnamese art of painting. If these forms of arts fall by the wayside, we risk losing our national identities in the globalised world.

To deduce, it is indisputable that social welfare must receive sufficient funding from government entities. However, given the proof related to people's aesthetic wants and the conservation of cultural uniqueness, there is sufficient justification for the promotion of simple ways of life, there is sufficient justification for the promotion of art forms.
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