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The two images depict changes that have been done to an island before and after the development in tourism.

Overall, as can clearly be seen, the island has undergone dramatic transformation with the introduction of housing estate as well as the ability to travel by boat. 

The biggest adjustment was the construction of housing estate around the island, specifically 6 buildings to the West of the island and 9 buildings built in a circular pattern to the South. A reception was added to the central part of the island with a new restaurant to the North of it. In the Southern part, a dock was built, providing access to the sea.

Apart from those enormous modification, a vehicle track was also opened up to link the Restaurant, the Reception and the Pier together, while also allowing people to access those through a network of footpath. The beach remains unchanged, but it does appear that it is now available for swimming.

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Bạn chữa lại bài này:

Overall, as can clearly be seen, the island has undergone a dramatic transformation with the introduction of a housing estate as well as the ability to travel by boat.

The biggest adjustment was the construction of housing estate around the island, specifically 6 buildings to the West of the island and 9 buildings built in a circular pattern to the South. A reception was added to the central part of the island with a new restaurant to the North of it. In the Southern part, a dock was built, providing access to the sea.

Apart from those enormous modifications, a vehicle track was also opened up to link the Restaurant, the Reception, and the Pier together, while also allowing people to access those through a network of footpaths. The beach remains unchanged, but it does appear that it is now available for swimming.


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