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In my opinion,there are several clear disadvantages of using computers in education. Firts of all, computers can make students depend on them so much. For example, when students have homework, they use computers to find the answers and coppy it without thinking. This makes students can not be creative and intelligent. Additionally,computers can have effect on students's studying. For instance, while using computers students can be attracted by video games or social medical such as Facebook, Instagram , Tinder , so they do not pay attention to their study. As a result, their study can be worse. Therefore, students should use resonably.
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In my opinion,there are several clear disadvantages of using computers in education. First of all, computers is a tool which can (make students depend) play a pivotal role in terms on studying for students. (For example), A typical example for this is that  when students [(have)-chỗ này dùng sai collocation] do homework, they constanly use [(computers)-họ chỉ cần dùng một máy là đủ rồi] to (find) look for the answers and copy it without thinking. [(This makes students can not be creative and intelligent.)-câu này lũng cũng quá] This may prevent the creativity of students as well as their intelligent. Additionally,computers can (have) exert an effect on students's studying. For instance, while using computers students can be attracted by video games or social medical such as Facebook, Instagram , Tinder, so they are hard to draw an  attention to their study. As a result, their study can become worse. (Therefore,) In conlucsion students should use computer (resonably) wisely

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